Tuesday, November 16, 2010

"Maturing Like A Fine Wine or Scotch"

D-Man found himself in what my grandmother would have called "a world of trouble" when we learned things about his science project a few weeks ago--things like it was something he was supposed to do this quarter, not next.

While we were on the whole You're-Doing-This-Even-If-It's-Too-Late campaign, we experienced a few other frustrations along the way. After embarking on the required research about basil plants and soils, he managed to assemble some paragraphs from the required 5 sources.

I took one look at the paper and said, "You didn't just cut and paste this, did you? This is all in your own words?"

Maybe I was being unfair, but frankly, it was the phrase describing well-cultivated basil leaves as "maturing like a fine wine or scotch" that caught my eye.


nursemyra said...

I gather the D-Man is waaaay too young to know anything about fine wine or scotch

Erica@PLRH said...

Yep, that sentence is definitely a red flag. And "world of hurt" is an excellent way to describe D-Man's situation. Best of luck to both of you.

Audubon Ron said...

Yep. You didn’t have to recharge your mother’s intuition batteries on that one. Completely busted.

SuziCate said...

I'm sorry I'm laughing, but I caught my own kids doing it before...though the lines they used were not nearly as good as that one! Once though he asked me for a word for church members and and I told him congrgants...his teacher failed his paper because of it, and I had to call her and tell her that I gave him that word and he did NOT plagerize his paper.

Mixed Reflections said...

Oh yeah, he's waaay too young. I hope.

M L Jassy said...

This particular teachers puts plagiarism higher on the list above petty theft, vandalism and even littering.

M L Jassy said...

To be fair, there are some fancy gourmet products out there like basil-infused wine. You never know.

Marvin said...

I think copy-paste functions should be disabled on every student's computer. And some professors' computers, too.