Monday, November 22, 2010

I'm Just Saying...

Have I mentioned these things before? Possibly.

But given the fact that I hear them emerging from lips over and over, and that they annoy me freshly each time (and perhaps more each time), here they are before you--the most ridiculous things to pop out of a mouth in America:
  • "Where's it at?" or worse "Where are you at?" PLEASE, someone stop those who end sentences with "at." I am approaching the point of requiring a padded room when I hear it.
  • Pronouncing nuclear "noo cue lar."  GW seemed to popularize this like no one's business. Now it flies A-okay, much like "irregardless" somehow made its way into the dictionary because it's spoken
    so frequently when people meant to say "regardless."
  • And finally, the case of the mislabeled wildlife. This is a heron, NOT a herring!  Oh come on people!

Yes, I am a dork for blogging about it.


Liz Mays said...

Oops, I'm guilty on the first one. Oops. Hate me?

Mixed Reflections said...

I could never hate you & wonder what it is that I do to annoy people to no end. I know there's something, if not a pile of somethings. :)

injaynesworld said...

I completely understand. I wrote a whole post about "drug" NOT being the past tense for drag. It's dragged, people! ;)

M L Jassy said...

I feel for you. I too need my own portable padded cell to leap into every time I hear folks in this part of the world say: "them people" rather than 'those people'; "brang" for 'brought' and the worst ever, "I seen" instead of 'I saw'.

Audubon Ron said...

I know, huh? Sometimes it all gets redickalus.

Erica@PLRH said...

So those birds don't get pickled afterall? Whew! What a relief!

Mr. Charleston said...

My grandmother used to answer... after the "at". A dangling participle or something like that.

Give up on the nuke thing. At least if you live in the South.

Alright, you axed for it... When is a herring no longer a herring? When eaten by a heron. Har har har!

Julia, the Thanksgiving Girl said...

Haha, well, we all need to vent sometimes ;)

Marvin said...

Bless you for resisting the entropy of language and intelligence.

nursemyra said...

I didn't know people got herrings and herons mixed up