Thursday, April 1, 2010

Big Glutton for Punishment

I seem to gravitate toward self-induced over-crowding when it comes to tasks and activities. I enjoy so many things and have a damn hard time prioritizing what should go.  In the mix of "too much," what was once enjoyment turns to a collection of penalty points on my peace of mind. In essence, I'm a Big Glutton for Punishment.

So on top of some insanity in schedules for work, volunteer and family things, I'm doing it again--participating NaBloPoMo. It's actually a pretty cool idea. If you're not familiar with it, every month of the year except November, there's a different theme, and bloggers who participate agree to post every day of the month on that topic. In November, there is no theme; you just have to post every day. April's theme is "big."

On the way to work on Tuesday, I jotted down different "big" possibilities--trying to make it up to thirty--instead of making my "must accomplish before vacation" list for work.

I'm hanging out at my family's house in New Smyrna Beach for the rest of the week and will be kicking off a full month of "big" with photos.

What sorts of things do you get yourself into and then regret later, maybe knowing they took a little more time than expected? Are you a Big Glutton for Punishment?


Julia, the Thanksgiving Girl said...

Well, my blog takes far more time than I expected. But oh well, I;m stubborn and I'm not giving it up, I'm halfway there already anyway :)

Anyways, I don't really like 1st of April, because I never know if I should what I see/read/hear seriously, so I'd rather go make another thankful post before I made a fool out of myself on your blog lol ;-)

Paul Wynn said...

Gropius, I'd do anything for punishment. I enjoy the pain, it's what makes me feel real and it's funny. However, you must do so in a fashion where it's worth it =)

Anonymous said...

I think I'd set myself up for BIG disappointment if I agreed to write one theme for an entire month!

Erica@PLRH said...

I'm with SuziCate, I don't know if I could stick to a theme for one entire month. That's a BIG task!

My big punishment is agreeing to spend a holiday with my sister and her family.

Marvin said...

How nice, hangin' with the fam!

Ummmm. What projects take longer than I think. Usually doing expenses. Anytime I work on the car. (That's why I don't work on my car anymore.) Painting. Yard work. Gardening, for sure. Boating. Boating always takes longer because we usually run aground somewhere. Luckily the boat is small and easy to push.

Let me know when the NaBloPoMo theme is "platypus". I'll write something every day about that, for sure.

Marvin said...

Nice to spend time with the niece, isn't it? What's it like being Aunt Gropius? I am Uncle Marvin to at least 4+ people, but I never give gifts or send cards. I send emails or call. But I avoid being roped into the gift-giving obligations. Nope. Not gonna do it.

The captcha is "plier". Hmmm. I'm trying to think if I've ever seen a single plier. I think they always come in pairs.

nursemyra said...

I often find myself accepting invitations and then regretting it when the event rolls around. I'm getting better at saying No in the the first instance but sometimes I have a weak moment.

I think I've written about sex for a whole month. Can't think of another subject that I could do that with

M L Jassy said...

I'm a big glutton for punishment when I get together with some of my favourite mischievous friends at one of the more underground and salacious parties on the kinky social calendar!

Looking forward to big photos and big ideas.

injaynesworld said...

I bow to your awesomeness for attempting such a thing. It's all I can do to come up with something coherent twice a week. You go girl!

Gina said...

I have thousands and thousands of photos that need to be organized, printed and albumed, but I never start because I know it will take so much time. So my external hard drive keeps getting fuller and fuller and fuller...

Liz Mays said...

I used to volunteer for too much and then the people who were supposed to help me backed out. Then I had to do the whole thing myself!!!

Maureen@IslandRoar said...

I think women in general are gluttons for punioshment. I feel like that about the blog at times. But as I get older I seem to say NO easier and think more about daily acts of grace to keep me sane.
Good Luck...