Monday, April 5, 2010

Big Trouble

When I was almost 16, my parents went out of town for a couple of days and left me at home with 13 year old brother. To cut to the chase, the two of us ended up in a bit of a disagreement, I locked him out of the house, and he punched through the glass panels on either side of the front door.

Neighbor called the parents, and I ended um...being told I must remain inside until they returned the next day. Justifiably, they were pissed that they could not leave town for a rare excusion without having this sort of drama from two supposedly responsible offspring.

Of couse in my mind, I had great reason to lock younger brother out of the house. Further, I already bought tickets to the Eric Clapton concert that night. So HELLO, I wasn't going to remain inside.  Please.

I went to the show and made no secret about it. And that, my friends, resulted in the ultimate pronouncement: "Thou shalt be grounded, including on your 16th birthday."

What sort of big trouble did you get into as a teenager? And now? Are you a trouble maker, or a peace maker...or perhaps a bit of both?


Erica@PLRH said...

I was and still am a good girl. Believe me?

AiringMyLaundry said...

I was actually a good kid.

Until I was 19 and got knocked up. Oops.

Leah said...

I can't remember much of the troubles I made but I know I've been so stubborn in one instance... my parents didn't want me to have a boyfriend when I was 16, to make matters worst, I had two BFs then at the same time. Hahaha!

Have a great day! xoxo

KB said...

I can't write about it because my daughter, who looks up to her father, might read this post.

bernthis said...

Love of my life, my darling, to answer that question would require way more room then you have in this comment box.

25BAR said...

that could have been a year's grounding and a fine of one full year's salary (between age 24 and 25)! hahaha

nursemyra said...

I was a pretty well behaved kid. My eldest son once got into a whole lot of trouble for using the school photocopier to invite his classmates to a midnight party at the local cemetery. The invite contained the words "Being your own alcohol and drugs" and he left the master copy behind in the machine!

Anonymous said...

But Eric Clapton was so worth being grounded on your birthday! I just didn't get caught! But I'm a good girl now.

hha0331 said...

You still owe me an apology for locking me out of the house.