Monday, April 26, 2010

Making Your Mark with Big Pranks

For whatever reason, most adults do not enjoy---or find acceptable---even the most thoughtfully crafted, well-meaning prank. That's unfortunate. I often dream about how to creatively get a surprise out of someone without actually causing any harm.

It's just so easy to imagine how nice a steaming pile of excrement might look in a certain locale. Or how funny an anonymous e-mail containing some speck of racy information could be to a certain deserving individual.

...Hmmm, maybe those aren’t pranks but something else more sinister?

It's all about how you brand it, right? Not so with me. I always got busted for anything. The little mischievous behavior I engaged in, I got called out for. It just works that way with some people…and for whatever reason, that includes me. Call it instant karma.

Growing up, I was always amazed at how our asinine neighbors got away with bloody murder. One day they ran around the house and coated every external doorknob with Vaseline. You obviously didn't see the slime coating until you’re reached for it. And sadly, we opened more than one door before conducting a full environmental scan. (Think about it…you’re just so angry after the first one, you run the next with such a mad eagerness to get inside you do it again. I'm sure you could hear "Goddamn it!" several miles away.)

On another occasion, the oldest and most physically unattractive of the three boys (who was in high school at the time) came to the door offering a plate of crackers to my mother. They were filled with a mysterious paste--toothpaste to be exact. Did we try one? HELLO. Of course not. it was just a little too suspicious. I did give the boy credit. It was probably all he could do to arrive with a serious expression of heartfelt kindness.

To this day one of the few things I regret in life is not carrying out a full fledged assault on those boys. The good side of that is that all 4 of us--the 3 neighbors and me--are still alive now. And tomorrow is another day--another chance, if you will. A chance for a big prank, nearly twenty years later.


Leah said...

Hahaha! I enjoy pranks. Though I am always the victim. And I guess you know who the pranksters are in my household. Have a great week ahead! xoxo

Erica@PLRH said...

Sounds like karma will come around and bite them in the butts eventually. They definitely deserve it!

Liz Mays said...

I'm waiting for some karma payback for my brother...waiting and waiting and waiting.

ballast photography said...

I have participated in at least 2 good pranks in my adult life. One was some good natured fun at the home of some honeymooning newlyweds, the other was a camp prank involving the theft of some puppets--which was way to involved to describe outside a detailed post on the subject.

Marvin said...


Anonymous said...

Kids are more no-hold-backs creative and appreciate creativity more than adults.

I had an ugly green and black snake made out of segments of plaster or something on a flexible cord. It wiggled if one held it up, but it didn't look anything at all like a real snake. At least not to me. So why should anyone get upset if I stuck it through the letter slot in the front door. And so what if it was the home of my least favorite aunt who always thought I was born of the devil and my brother somehow was a side show with the immaculate conception. How was I to know she'd freak and out faint at the sight of such a dumb-looking snake. (She never was well grounded in the real world.) And how could I have anticipated that she would tell my mother, the custodian of my father's razor strop. How could I have? My creativity only desired a little recognition for a minor stunt, not a familial volcanic eruption.

Now remember: don't ever put your hand in your mailbox without looking in there first. I might live in your neighborhood. And I still feel creative now and then.

Notary sojac!

Smokey Stover

M L Jassy said...

Pranks do have their place in the mischief antics of human society and there is nothing wrong with counter-pranking all these years later...go for it! I'd suggest something amusing and bewildering rather than messy ... eg buy a goat and leave it on their front lawn.

Anonymous said...

Love a good prank when I can think of one...I'm usually on the receiving end!

Mr. Charleston said...

Don't let the opportunity to get even pass you by. What a great way to get reacquainted... a well crafted practical joke. I love them. A long, long time ago I did a post you might enjoy: