Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I'm Sure It's a Lovely Rooster

A lovely lady in our accounting department lives in a slightly rural area outside of town and has gone through 3 groups of chickens--lovingly referred to as "the girls"--since I've known her. She's a most conscious caretaker of them, but you see, there are predators around. Hawks, bobcats--you know birds and mammals that get a kick out of eating easy prey. She and her husband have built one hell of a henhouse for the girls, and I'm thinking it could be larger than our small abode here in Bradentucky.

There was slight surprise a few months ago when the girls were first coming of age, getting ready to lay their first batch of fresh eggs.  That surprise was an unmistakeable rooster crowing. And that's when all suspicions were confirmed: a man was living in their midst.

It's not really pretty. The rooster is hungry for sex, as all men are, and he's pecked a sore in the back of at least one of the girls. Now chickens do have a tendency to peck on things that have been pre-pecked, and we're hoping the others don't continue to peck away at what's left of her since that is an instinct and inclination. Peck. Peck. Peck. Basically, it's just been a pain in the ass. Literally for the girls.

Today I heard the funniest thing come out of our sweet Mel. After we talked about the possibility of someone consuming the rooster if she was to give it away, she said, and I repeat her exact words,
"I'm not going to eat it, but somebody else can. I don't care."

Is it just me, or is this hilarious?  Even vegetarians have a sense of humor.


Leah said...

I was laughing at your comment about the rooster being hungry for sex as all men are. Hahaha! So true!!!

Funny that there is a rooster in there... that's one bright and smart guy. He knows the best spot to be where he will be the center of all the ladies' attention.

Have a great day! xoxo

Marvin said...

I think your vegetarian friend has gone off the reservation, philosophy-wise. But I think most vegetarians aren't as sincere or as well-reasoned about their choices as they think they are. Many of the ones I met in Denver, for example, were pious twits who deserved a slap in the face with a raw steak.

KB said...

Before disposing of Mr Happy she should recall the chorus of an old hillbilly song:

They're layin eggs now,
Just like they usta,
Ever since that roosta,
Came into the yard.

Mixed Reflections said...

LOL! I'm the vegetarian, Marvin.

nursemyra said...

Literally a pain in the arse???? Are you trying to tell me that that's how roosters inseminate?

Erica@PLRH said...

Does the local humane society neuter roosters by any chance?

Anonymous said...

That cracks me up...need to get that rooster out of the hen house!

Julia, the Thanksgiving Girl said...

lol at nursemyra's comment!! haha And well, what's wrong with having a rooster in there? Those hens can still lay eggs and you can still eat the eggs!

Unknown said...

That is awesome! I used to help care for my friend's chickens and turkeys and it was extremely rewarding. But when they were BAD... oh man they were BAD!!! I have some great stories from that time. It was so fun and I wish he still kept birds so I could help him again!

Gina said...

haha that rooster is such a c*ck! ;)

Liz Mays said...

Why do men have to be such peckers?

Maureen@IslandRoar said...

Oh, the puns run wild here in the comments, don't they!
I'll eat the rooster.

Marvin said...

Yes, but you're a vegetarian who does NOT live in Denver, which means you're WONDERFUL. ;-)

M L Jassy said...

Rooster soup sounds better when you call it chicken soup, especially when it's fresh from the coop!

ballast photography said...

I feel so sorry for these poor girls...I'm all for relocating the rooster, if not eating him!

Been away from blogging for what seems like forever--just wanted you to know I haven't forgotten about you!

injaynesworld said...

I know about those damn horn-dog roosters and their proclivity to peck. We have chickens on the farm where I live, about 30 hens and two obnoxious roosters. They have the roam of the place and go in at night. It's great to stagger out in your p.j.'s in the morning, reach under a hen, grab a couple of eggs and come in and scramble them. I'll never eat store bought again. But I sure could do without those damn roosters violating my girls!