Friday, February 19, 2010

Victoria’s Secret Puke-o-rama

Sweet Husband made a visit to Victoria’s Secret for Valentine’s Day last week. I imagine him walking about with the same strangeness of dazed expression as all the other husbands and boyfriends while the sales associate tried to convince them that, naturally, every girl loves to wear thong underwear that rides up her behind. I will proudly tell you I am not one of those girls and couldn’t care less who thinks it’s a deficiency.

Every now and then I’ll peruse the VS website to see if there’s anything new out there I like, either as a gift suggestion to the thankful Husband or for a short order Internet purchase on my own.

Every time I make the virtual tour, I’m guilty of not understanding the poses, facial expressions and unexplained hair phenomenon that come with those Victoria’s Secret models. Is it just me? Here are a few examples:

"I saw Abigail with the Devil. ...Plus I'm possessed. In a few moments, my eyes will roll up in my head and I will pee on the floor like the girl in The Exorcist."

"Eating my hair is really cool. It's like cool. Huh huh."

"I totally would eat my hair, except it's too crunchy. It's like stale fritos. You could break a window with it. But this look is so...beast. It's such a beast look. And all you have to do is not wash it for 19 days."

"Check out this cool sign I'm making. I can still see you through my left eye...wait is that my right eye? Anyhow it's cool. I'm gonna do it again. It's like a sign just between you and me. It means 'peace'. Or something like that."

P.S. I love Husband's gifts from VS. He's a sweet boy.


Erica@PLRH said...

You have too much time on your hands.

nursemyra said...

the photos are funny! and I hate thong underwear too

Poindexter said...

I do like it. You honestly can't feel it, plus, no visible panty line. I don't shop at VS often, but I do like that they take the trouble to measure their customers so that everyone buys a bra that fits properly. Inside my lingerie drawer, my favorite bras are all from VS.

Anonymous said...

This is no place for a man to comment. I'm outta here. I never read this post.

Notary sojac.

Smokey Stover

Gina said...

LOL this is greatness!! when i'm trying to turn my guy on, i totally pretend i'm eating my hair. it gets him so HOT!

jk ;)

Maureen@IslandRoar said...

Oh, you are so funny and so right about the catalogue poses! And this is supposed to be sexy??

Julia, the Thanksgiving Girl said...

LOL I've never viewd their posing like that, but I must admit you mkae it look funny!

KB said...

Your captions are a riot.You're like the great comedians: you create "funny" from wherever gets your attention.You should do a book of stuff like this.
Really, you should.

M L Jassy said...

Female objectification is loathesome especially for commercial purposes. Myself, I indulge in self-objectification, generally ironically, and indulge in faux-objectification as a means of reprisal and re-empowerment (alright, in honour of kink and all its hijinks.) Keep up the guerilla subversion. Around town in Sydney we have clever cookies who deface advertising billboards, particularly the offensively gendered. They could rename their store: Victoria's Subtlety, showing a lace-clad vixen wielding a sledgehammer.

Anonymous said...

So, I'm wondering if the model thinks it's sexy or if it's the photographer instructing them! I am laughing my butt off! I know someone who does those poses and makes those faces every time a man enters her line of vision...problem is she's mid fifty but only twenty in her mind! Thong...I can do without., I imagine it would make me a public butt picker! And that would be just plain gross!

Liz Mays said...

You completely cracked me up with your photo captions!!! You are hysterical!

Marvin said...

VS is the clothing equivalent of Hooters. Mindless objectification of women for no particular reason. I usually ignore it. I know people who shop at VS. I would not characterize their love lives as "happy," "fulfilling" or "loving."