Sunday, February 28, 2010

Peaceful Retreat

The trip began with a rainy drive to central Florida through one-gas station towns and seedy roadside restaurants that offered a burger and food poisoning. The moonscape left from Mosaic's active and obnoxious phosphate mining operation eventually gave way to orange groves. And orange groves. And a few more orange groves.

(taken today, in the sun obviously)

It was cold, rainy and desolate at Bok Tower gardens when we arrived on Saturday. But we put on layers, armed ourselves with umbrellas, and enjoyed an adventurous tour in the rain with a senior volunteer and passionate Bok-lover named Mary.  She did her best with a small green and white umbrella that barely covered her increasingly wet coat, and insisted on plowing ahead to reveal more of the garden's secrets and history. Most enjoyable and unique--and an experience you couldn't enjoy with meek and wimpy adventurers for sure! 

What can I say about our stay at the Chalet Suzanne, five minutes from the garden?  We were a little hesitant when we first arrived at the end of the meandering drive that deposited us at a partially crooked pink house with purple and yellow doors and funky tiles. Ask me about it now, and I'll tell you I'm a convert. Everyone who's in for something unusual and fine flies into the airstrip behind the chalet and dines there at least once--certainly if you're the likes of Dina Shore, Ed McMahon or Bono. So maybe Bono wasn't there. But there was quite a collection of autographed celeb photos displayed at the reception area.

We returned to Bok Tower Gardens today under blue skies without a single cloud and enjoyed the most inviting signs of spring: flowers from camelias to witch hazel and all kinds of birds including quail, catbirds, brown thrashers, cardinals, eastern towhees, Carolina wrens, and an ovenbird.

And yes, there were two swans as well. Both males, to prevent the inevitable mating and offspring that sparks aggression with guests. I can't say the theory worked--these were intent on eating shoes and pants in an attempt to bully us into feeding them. Yes, they knew they were "hot."

The gardens were designed for the purpose of providing a haven of peace and tranquility with nature, woodland creatures and music. I was surprised to find the tower--seemingly random plopped right in the middle of a hillside in the middle of Florida--so beautiful. Carillon music rings out twice each day, and decorates the nearby neighborhoods and groves in the timed assurance of calming sound.

"gilded" front door of the tower

the very top...don't get me wrong, it's reallly high

hilltop bench overlooking orange groves
(this is on a huge lawn that also includes the tower on the opposite end)

Pines Lake Redhead is a most excellent travel companion, and the trip wouldn't have offered the same peace and renewal without her lovely company! She even knitted me a scarf, which kept Gropius warm and toasty, even in the freezing rain.


Erica@PLRH said...

Beautiful photos! It was a very lovely weekend and I'm totally relaxed and tired (but in a good way). You did such a great job writing up the weekend that I should just link everyone to your post!

Oh yea, Robert Redford was one of the previous dinner guests at the Chalet. He was my personal favorite.

Leah said...

Love the images... what a fabulous weekend it was. I love reading your documentary of the different places you visited. It's like touring the place with you.

Have a great week ahead! xoxo

Anonymous said...

Awesome pics. LOVE the purple door...I almost anmed my blog The purple door...really cuz you never know what to expect behind a purple door. I have a girlfriend her painted her frontdoor purple, and that's where I got the idea. Glad you guys had a great time. BTW, the mentions of cheetos on both of your last pots really got me into a cheeto eating frenzy today!

Karal said...

Thanks for taking us along with you. Your photographs are fabulous and gave a great feel for being there.

KB said...

Glad you had such a good trip. Between your excellent description and the pics I had the feeling of being there.

M L Jassy said...

The catbird is hilarious. There are some in Far North Queensland in the north of Australia. These Towers and their shady surrounds look so inviting. What a sunny, swanny time you surely had.

Uncommon Blonde said...

Great pics! I have never heard of Bok Tower Gardens but it looks beautiful

Gina said...

lovely photos - you have an eye! :)

Poindexter said...

wow it's beautiful. Most people (like me) don't know where to venture in central Florida, so we stay in the tried-and-true resort areas along the coast. This destination sounds truly memorable!

ballast photography said...

I want nothing more at this moment than to walk through that charming purple door with the kitty in tow. And that swan shot? Absolutely stunning!! Looks like a great weekend!

nursemyra said...

I'm envious of the spring blossom against blue sky. Autumn has just begun here in Sydney and it's brought a change in the weather, reminding me that winter is just around the corner

Maureen@IslandRoar said...

Such a beautiful place! I am so jealous you got to do this. But also happy for you both.
Because I have red hair too. And like you said, we've got to stick together....

Marvin said...

I drove right past there last year on the way home from watching a shuttle launch. It looked pretty cool.

Beautiful pictures! I really like #180.

Anonymous said...

Looks wonderful! I need a vacation!

bernthis said...

what an amazing trip. I would love to stay at "the purple door" my name, I like it,you?

And the signs of Spring. How relaxing. Sadly, it is followed by Summer, not my favorite AT ALL

Paul said...

Envious of ya! Amazing pictures, my favorite is the swan. Graceful.

Liz Mays said...

What an idyllic location. Quite extraordinary!

Julia, the Thanksgiving Girl said...

This certainly looks like it was a beautiful weekend! Everything looks so sunny and welcoming, and the tower's architecture is so impressive, wow! Glad you enjoyed the weekend and the time spend with your friend, yay for the scarf that keeps you warm too :)