Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Urge to Purge

I’ve tried to make a deal with myself this year: whenever I get something new, I have to part with something else, casting it out into the universe of new ownership a la Goodwill or a friend’s open closet.
I’ve done pretty good with this so far. The year hasn’t started on a conservative note in terms of clothes shopping (I say with a grin of enjoyment and triumph). But I’ve managed to clean some stuff out of drawers and closets that I’m obviously holding onto for no good reason. Off you go, polka dotted blouse I could fit into 10 years ago! Good riddance, nearly new dress that now looks like a teen age prom dress to me! Farewell, skirts that now constrict the waste line!

Om…there’s just one problemo. Most of the articles I am purging are being expunged from the wardrobe because I can no longer fit my size 6 largess into the size 4’s. I’m even purging old photos, and in doing so, recently discovered how much I have allowed myself to gain over the last 6 or 7 years. It’s ridiculous.

No doubt the body has changed--okay my body has changed. I used to be able to eat freaking anything and wouldn’t know the difference on a scale. I never owned a scale. Never never.

I wonder if marriage is part of the culprit too. In a way, it’s nice to know that your mate loves you and approves of you no matter what. (I’m not complaining about that…Husband is truly a kind, complimentary and appreciative partner.) In another, I realize all of the energy I once expended on remaining sharp looking for the potential Prince Charming is now used for something else. Like laundry. I simply don’t have to worry about having such a tight behind. But I really do. ...For my own sense of not feeling so “ten days older than water”-like.

So in exchange for my “new” awareness, I’m going to try and dump some bad habits and get at least somewhat closer to my original size. Purging is not and never will be a smart, healthy or self-caring way to lose excess poundage, so I’ll stick to exercising more and not eating so much shite’. Yes, even a vegetarian can have too much junk food.

I did take one step by vowing not to eat out in the month of February. I’ll let you know how I’m doing on that one soon. It’s been a truly enlightening experience.

What are you gaining & dropping this year?


Anonymous said...

I'm hoping to thin out a lot of my "stuff." I know there are things to get rid of. Develope some filing system for papers. Get my pictures organized. All kinds of things!

Gina said...

i'm a bit of a hoarder, but i'm trying to get over that. just recently i threw out a bunch of old letters i'd been saving since 8th grade... back in the day, i couldn't have imagined getting rid of them...

KB said...

Possessions - the more you have of them the more they possess you rather than the other way around. It's very difficult to fully understand this if you live in one place but people who have had the determination to become full-time RVers generally understand it very well and most don't want to ever go back to having lots of stuff have them. But we can all aspire to being less "stuffy" to some degree. And you're right, it's a lot easier if we can pass things on knowing someone else will use them.

nursemyra said...

I cannot fit another book in the numerous shelves I have so every time I acquire a new one, I have to give one away. Just like you're doing with the clothes, I've been doing this for about three years now. The decisions get harder and harder to make

M L Jassy said...

Cool - what a neat idea. It's one I heard from an odd-smelling native American dude who gave my class a talk in third grade. When he got a new shirt, he's give one away. I think he had only one shirt as a result which could explain the odour. Still. a great idea.

On another note I am thinking giving up chocolate during Lent (a borrowed festival) which has already started. So if I pretend it's not really happening, it might be easier ... mmmm yum, celery.

Julia, the Thanksgiving Girl said...

I like the "whenever I get something new, I have to part with something else" mentality because it keeps things clean, easy and organized. I tried to try this in the blogging world, but it doesn't work this way - I meet enough of cool people and can't treat them like substitutes LOL When it comes to clothes shoes etc, I'm notoriosuly good at getting rid of old junk. I've done my share of getting rid of for this year already I think...

Groppy, what do you eat for breakfast, may I ask? :)

Anonymous said...

I was hoping to drop some lbs, but for the last week all I've been dropping is chocolate into my mouth! Through the years I've gone from a size 5 to my outrageous 10,love those 8's I can still wear. I blame it on the hubby, too! But it is great to have someone love us for who we are, excess and all!I try once a year to discard anything I haven't worn in the past year...but it never fails a few months later that I really regret giving a certain item away!

Maureen@IslandRoar said...

What a great idea, to part with something when you add something new.
I'm going to try this.

Erica@PLRH said...

I've been practicing this and didn't even realize it. I always sort through closets before going clothes shopping. Unfortunately, I may have to start Nurse Myra's practice of giving away books.

Unknown said...

Purging is intensely satisfying to me! (purging of stuff... not purging to lose weight!)

I am in the process of going through my entire house to get rid of everything I haven't used in the last year. The Salvation Army LOVES me! :o)

Good luck with getting back in to better shape. I usually go through *that* once a year, too. As a rule though I am pretty lucky (so far...) in that as long as I stay moving and get some moderate exercise each week I can stay fairly trim. *knocking on wood* ;o)

Poindexter said...

shoot, I'll just be happy to get my taxes done. I keep looking at that stack of documents and thinking that I need to get started....I'd almost rather go to the dentist.

Mixed Reflections said...

Loved reading everyone's thoughts and comments on this. Mitzi, you crack me up...I am still laughing about your response.

Julia, many mornings I skip the most important meal of the day. I'm just not hungry. Other days, like today, I have a banana, or a fake meat patty or a bowl of bran flakes. Mmmmmm...

Gina, I am a HUGE hoarder of old letters. I love them and treasure them.

Nursey, what would I DO without books? SO hard to give up!

Liz Mays said...

You're calling a size 6 largesse???? Stop that nonsense immediately!!!

Marvin said...

Many women I know would KILL to be a size 6.

I gave up Diet Coke for 2010. For Lent, I am giving up murder for hire. From now on, it will only be a hobby. Wait, I'm not Catholic. Hmmm.