Friday, February 5, 2010

The Homestead

After three days of being stuck in the house sick as a dirty politician, I am literally going insane. I’d just like you to know that I care about you so much, if you could use an extra lung, there’s one right here I have coughed up. It may not make the flight to Russia or Sydney, but if you’re in the states, there are possibilities.

I’m feeling a lot better today, and tomorrow I might even be able to venture out in public again for a short trip.

I worked all day today remotely and was actually able to get some things done. Feeling like purging was my strong suit after exhausting nearly an entire box of Kleenex on this never ending supply of mucus, I decided to go all the way. I permanently deleted over 17,000 e-mails from my deleted box.

Yes, to our IT guys’ dismay, I was using the “delete” folder as a storage file of sorts that I could always refer to for those “see, that IS what you said” e-mails that must be sent months after the fact.

Although I felt a little sick to my stomach hitting that delete button, it was liberating as hell.

Working from home, I’ve also solved a new post-Christmas mystery. We stuck one of those window bird feeders to the office window just to the right of my computer, and each day when we got home, it had been knocked down. Probably squirrels. And confirming our suspicions today….

Flanders is justifiably pissed that I have shared this with you. She still doesn’t understand the lack of justice in a situation pitting a piece of glass and screen between her and her natural prey.

[Beyond the kayaks, you may notice that obnoxious rain barrel which is now spilling over into a new fishing hole.]

I hope you’re all healthy where you are. This strain of disgusting bronchitis is making its rounds here for sure.

The final resting place for all of my used Kleenex? I’m so glad you asked. They're in the huge bag of old bank statements I finally shredded and cleared from filing cabinets at home. You never can be too cautious about keeping thieves away from your things.


Erica@PLRH said...

I'm so glad you're on the mend!

Molly feels the same way about those pesky squirrels too.

M L Jassy said...

Cutie-pie squirrels! No wonder Flanders would prefer them in pie form. Wishing you lots of chilli, lemongrass and vitamin C.

KB said...

So glad you're feeling better, but don't push it to hard during recovery. We don't want you to have a relapse.

You might want to try throwing some corn on the ground, or somewhere where rodents can't get it, for the squirrels. That might keep them off your feeder.

You just reminded me of a couple of squirrel-related happenings I can add to the list of potential posts for my blog Rambling the Natural World with KB.

My final words for tonight: Loop back, read the first two sentences, take them to heart.

Poindexter said...

maybe a hazardous waste disposal (for the truckload of contaminated tissues?). Just kidding. So glad you're starting to get better.

No one ever accused a squirrel of not finding clever was to get to food. Or, for that matter, of not taking a certain amount of satisfaction in tormenting dogs.

Julia, the Thanksgiving Girl said...

Wow, the squirrel and Flanders pictures are out of this world! So funny and unique... I've never seen squirells jumping on windows like that before! My dog would be shocked haha

And I know what you mean about pressing teh delete button and feelign a little sick but liberatign at the same time. I used to hold on to all things old liek crazy before, now I'm always happy to do some "deleting" lol

Hope you feel better ASAP!!

nursemyra said...

You have a home shredder?

Love the squirrel pics

Mixed Reflections said...

Thanks, all. Flanders appreciates your sentiments as well. Nursey, we actually don’t own a shredder, but borrowed one from a neighbor. I—er um—broke it, so now I guess we do own a shredder. A broken one. And I get to buy one. (We had a former police officer come to work & tell us that if we didn’t start shredding stuff, we would be the victim of identify theft in the next 5 years—it’s the fastest growing crime in US. That was sufficient enough to scare me.)

Anonymous said...

You're a lot more productive sick than I am well. Hope you feel better soon.

Liz Mays said...

Oh my gosh! It's RIGHT THERE ON THE WINDOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can't believe that!!!

Glad you're feeling better now. :)

Unknown said...

Ugh... I so feel your pain! I am still working my way through the crud too! I am mostly OK but still have this cough that will. not. stop!

I'm sure Flanders would love to get to that squirrel - must be torture!