Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Funny Side Up

The little guidebook I received when I first accepted my role in this lifetime said that humor would be important. You know, like being able to laugh at yourself, chuckle when others fall short of perfection, and get a kick out of the hiccups in life.  Without being mean about it. Just good-spirited light-heartedness.

From time to time I come across those who fail to crack a smile in meetings, who cannot accept tiny eccentricities in others with a hint of hilarity, or who insist on perceiving unrelenting seriousness as an indication of professionalism. In these cases, I am sometimes guilty of judging the humorless offender as absolutely and utterly arrogant.

Example: Yesterday, I posted what I thought was a joking (but un-mocking and un-hurtful) comment on someone's Facebook status and got chewed for it by another person. I guess the key words here are "I thought." Now I'm sure I'm not as funny as I think I am, so I don't actually make a point of trying to be the funny one in every situation. (Yes, nothing is more annoying that one who tries to play the clown and just doesn't cut it.) But I found this instance to be a bit over the top and felt the urge to reply, "Bite me."
I didn't do that, of course.

I can't emphasize enough how important it is to see the lighter side in things and to appreciate it in other people--that is, it's important if you're ever to keep a sensible distance from the crime of overindulging yourself in...yourself.

I'm grateful to work with a team of people who strive for the best in leadership and innovation yet laugh as part of the daily ritual. We can even get a common chuckle at our own mistakes, since we are people and they do happen every now and then. Remembering a time when it wasn't quite like this in the office, I am even more appreciative for the gift of humor and the role it plays in my own sanity.

Please, Universe, always keep the Funny Side Up on all of my orders of breakfast, lunch and dinner in life's menu of experiences and give me compassion for those who just can't laugh.


Marvin said...

If I know the person, I can crack a joke. If I don't know them or I'm not sure how they will react, I am quiet. But as far as third parties, it's none of their business what I joke with about with another person.

"Fuck 'em if they can't take a joke," right?

Erica@PLRH said...

I feel that's the biggest downside of digital communication - unable to discern the person's tone of voice. Why in Heaven's name doesn't someone invent a sarcasm font???

injaynesworld said...

I'm with Marvin on that last one. And I totally would have said "Bite me," but clearly I'm not as nice as you are.

Humor is one of the great survival tools of life. Anyone who knows me knows that I just let 'er rip, and those who don't know me I'm too damn old to worry about.

Gina said...

love the title of this post! and pine lakes redhead, that is so true - it's hard discerning people's tone via text or email sometimes. i like to italicize my sarcasm, or hell, USE ALL CAPS. ;)

Julia, the Thanksgiving Girl said...

I think this is my most favorite of your own thankful posts, Suzie! very well put and all is oh so true. Being able to laugh at yourself is probably one of the most important things a person should earn in this life - it just makes life easier for both yourself and those close to you. And it's definately important to see the lighter side in things too!

M L Jassy said...

Right now I'm quietly chuckling at the hilariously self-deprecating memoir "I'm Down" (Mishna Wolff.)

I'm also a bit freaked but nonetheless amused by the musterious and desperate crazy flapping in the laundry. Also my amusement at being too chicken to go and find out what's making the noise.

SuziCate said...

A sense of humor is a must in my slice of life! I often worry that people don't get me in written form because things come across so much clearer verbally!

Unknown said...

I don't always joke, and I'm not always serious. What I *do* always try to do is be open to the idea that, no matter what, there is probably some funny to be found in any situation.

"Blessed is the woman who can laugh at herself; for she will never be without entertainment!!!"

Leah said...

You know sometimes there are people who are just too serious that they can't handle jokes... I stay away from them. I love making jokes, being funny and laughing at myself.

Have a great day my dear friend! xoxo

Anonymous said...

Humor is so important and can get us through so much in life.