Wednesday, March 10, 2010

What a Fabulous Role Model You Are


The sad thing is, D-Man was actually excited about Home Economics this year. He really thought it would be cool to learn how to make biscuits from scratch, sew a button, how to stay accountable, job/life skills, etc. And quite frankly, I was looking forward to it as well. The day when a button falling off doesn't herald "time for new pants!" is the dawn of a new era.

A dream deferred. It's been no such story. D-Man, you see, is not very fond of this so called teacher. And he has good reason.  Let's just call this lame woman, who is simply waiting for retirement like a sorry lump of dough, Mrs. Fescrock. Seriously, the Dough Boy himself has more personality.

This morning, we had our meeting at the school to talk about progress thus far and to plan for next year. At this meeting, all of his teachers are required to attend, along with the supervising instructor in charge of special accommodations.  Mrs. Fescrock plops herself down wearing a thick red, fugly coat as if to make sure we knew she wasn't planning to stay.
  • Fescrock: "Well. I don't know how this escaped my notice. But this meeting wasn't on my calendar. And I have some deadlines. So I'm asking to be excused."
  • Gropius (Silently. While laughing? Fuming? Not sure which.): "Are you SERIOUS? You're teaching my kid about accountability and job skills? WTF?  Deadlines? Let me tell you about the 25 deadlines I have waiting for me at work."
  • Fescrock moved on: "Thank goodness you're involved. If you weren't, I can see the situation with your son going...spiraling out of control."
  • Gropius: "That's a pretty strong statement. I'm not sure I understand what you mean."
Fescrock then moved on to tell us that "just about every day" D-Man has gum in his mouth. And as if we didn't hear it the first time, "Just about EVERY day," she repeated.

Well you know what, Mrs. Fescrock? I really couldn't give a crap about the gum. And if you care so much about it, I have a newsflash for you. It's March 8. School started in August. We haven't heard anything about this until now. I guess it's those deadlines getting you, right?

Now if Mrs. Fescrock was the science, math or language arts teacher, I might make a greater point of reaching out to the principle. Since she's Queen of Pillsbury in a Can, I could care less. (Yeah, that's right--have you ever seen a home ec teacher who teaches kids to use ready-made?) I hate it that poor D-man has wasted nearly a year putting up with her doodoo.

Thank goodness the rest of the faculty are lovely. It sure does make a difference in how much our son develops a passion for the subject. Looks like we'll still be getting new pants when we lose a button. I'd like to give Mrs. Fescrock a new pair of pants--in honor of her retirement, of course.


Leah said...

Gosh, I hate those kind of teachers and she is teaching home economics... it's as if she is teaching math or science. She needs to retire soon.

I was laughing at the "Queen of Pillsbury in a Can"... seriously, how can she teach home ec if she uses ready made stuff. If that's the case. I can be a better home ec teacher. Hahaha!

injaynesworld said...

That's too bad. Back in my day, when dinosaurs roamed the earth, boys weren't allowed to even take home ec. And I, too, am a fan of the "Queen of Pillsbury in a Can" line.


Fragrant Liar said...

I'm sorry, did you just say you want to give her new pants? Or did you mean a KICK in the pants? Cuz I'm all about the latter with this one. Sorry, I typed that with gum in my mouth.

Maureen@IslandRoar said...

God, you obviously showed great restraint. The best part of my kids getting older is knowing soon I don't have to be nice to some of these teachers that have been complete asses!

bernthis said...

we have a teacher like who unfortunately teaches my daughter. She is forever glaring at PHoebe for talking. I know my kid, she is me, she talks but she can also read, write, spell, do math so somewhere in there she is clearly shutting up and learning. now when I say talk, I mean any noise to this woman is chatter.

M L Jassy said...

Mrs Fescrock's delivery of her curriculum may well be substandard. If gum is against the school rules, it's for a reason. Reminding kids about a school rule is part of the job. Following a rule when reminded means a kid has respect for their teacher. If a student repeats the same action for the same reaction for seven months, either the student has no respect for the teacher, the rules, or the teacher hasn't re-enforced a rule properly - probably all of those. I'm all for great teaching, and I certainly think 'home ec' needs some relabelling and PR help, and this teacher is doing the subject a disservice.

I'm taking a "mental health day" today because I was finding it hard to be tough - but if you're tough, you get walked over. As for the glaring, well, I got accused of "staring" by Rascal Tool B, a specimen who is the school champion swimmer with a reading age 6 years below his classmates - naturally I wish to improve his skills, but his antipathy is a barrier: any staring or glaring is simply a teaching trying to hold back the endless stream of verbal reminders they are charged with making every lesson - it's simply waiting for students to give a teacher a chance to think, and basic courtesy. I have no problem with productive noise. But chattering through, around, across and against a teacher's instructions is rudeness, plain and simple. I challenge anyone to accept teen-style behaviour in other situations, and it soon becomes unpalettable - from teens themselves, accepting it always requires strict limits.

Just a slice of what it's like on the other side. Now I have 9th grade essays read and mark.

Julia, the Thanksgiving Girl said...

Oh teachers definately make a huge difference in developing passion for a subject and it even affects one's marks on it.

SuziCate said...

She needs a new coat, too - that one was FUGLY! A teacher can make all the difference in a students interest or success in the subject. We've been through some doozies through our kids, fortunatley there were some as equally wonderful.

Erica@PLRH said...

I've never understood teachers who obessesed about gum. anyway, I've very glad for D-Man that the rest of his teachers are lovely. Who is Fescrock to evaluate D-Man and state that he would "spiral out of control" without our invovlement? The sooner she retires the better!

Menopausal New Mom said...

Oh I can't wait for the trouble and meetings with teachers once my near 4 year old starts school. "Queen of Pillsbury in a can", funny but what a great description! Good Luck, hopefully that retirement is on the horizon for her!

Unknown said...

How about a kick in the new pants? ;o)

Teachers like that need to find another planet to work on. They make me angry... and I don't even have kids... lol