Sunday, March 7, 2010


...And while I'm on the subject of parenting, I'll just drop an unpaid advertisement for Modern Family. Husband and I think this show is an absolute riot. It adequately portrays the plight of husband, wife, kids, gay couple raising an adopted daughter, mixed raced couples....everything that exemplifies today's fam. We adore all of the characters. And the show provides such a good laugh, precisely because it's so right on.

In light of Friday night's post, I'd just like to throw this out there for those with kids and those without kids:

Did your mom/dad ever try to play the "friend" role instead of that more formal "parent" role? Did it work? Did you see through it? Do you do this with your kids?

I'm always on Husband to enjoy his relationship with D-Man but to do it less in a "hey, I'm just another one of your buddies" role and more in a "let's have some quality time together but don't talk to me like I'm an abused peer" role.

D-Man is frequently using a new set of words--like "that's so BEAST" to describe coolness and a dramatic "Woooooow" to describe an unfair decision we've made. We've started using them too. Maybe because we know if we do, it may reduce the number of times we hear D-Man say them. It's just not as cool if your parents are saying them. 

Enjoy this typical clip from Modern Family on peerenting:


Leah said...

I can't watch the video... is it still working there? Maybe it is just for US viewers only.

When I was young, my parents were really the typical parents... strict and no non-sense type. I guess they did a good job because all of us turned out okay.

Now, I play both the friend and mother roles. But the "friend" role just happened lately when they both became teenagers. When they were little, I was a formal parent. So I guess, the respect and the "fear" remained even if I am like their buddy now.

Have a great day! xoxo

Julia, the Thanksgiving Girl said...

I've never heard of the show before... And can't watch the vid you posted - it tells me it can't be viewed in my country :(

Unfortunately, my paranets have never been much f freinds to me, which is what I've always wnated them to be first. It made me close up on a lot of things and I absolutelly cannot and don't want to discuss some more personal things with mom now, even if I'm not a kid any more and 'technically' have the right to get involved in whatever I chose to. Personally, I guess it's important to be both a friend and a parent to your child - then a kid would both have a feeling of being understood and have a sense of being safe in their hoursehold... If you know what I mean? I kind of lack both within my family and I can see now that it's affecting my interaction with both freinds and romantic partners, not for the best.

SuziCate said...

Never heard of that but loved the clip!

Erica@PLRH said...

That clip was great. I'll have to make it a point to watch the show.

My parents were parents. I see myself as a parent also. Eldest son says I'm his mom but a really cool mom. I guess I can't do much better than that.

Gina said...

I can't watch the clip on my phone for some reason.

As a step-mom, I try to be a friend/ good role model instead of a "parent" since I don't wanna step on real mama's toes. My parents were way to strict and controlling and not my "friends" at all when I was growing up. I definitely don't want to be like that. I'm guessing here since I don't have kids of my own yet, but it seems like it should be a healthy mixture, and as the kid grows into an adult, more of a friendship type relationship would follow.

Marvin said...

I think kids appreciate a drill sergeant much more than they appreciate a "buddy" in a parent. Kids need to know where the line is, at all times. "Buddy" mode erases that line.

Yulia Rahmawati said...

Nice post u have deeeaar,,,
I like it,,

Yulia Rahmawati
"Get Up,Survive,Go Back to The Bed"

Poindexter said...

I adore that program - absolutely love every character They're all flawed, but that makes them perfect together. Just like my family! :)

nursemyra said...

would love to watch to clip but it's not available to me.

I was mostly a 'parent' type of mother when the boys were growing up. but we're pretty much on the same wavelength now that they're adults.

Mixed Reflections said...

@Leah, it sounds like your parenting is wonderful & well-balanced. I always love your thoughtful comments.

@julia, I hate it that your parents are missing out on this relationship with you--you're such an interesting person!

@suzicate & PLRH, you MUST watch the show. so funny

@Marvin, yes, maybe it depends on the chid. I think ours needs & feels supported with more drill sergeant!!

@Nursey & everyone outside of US--I hate it that you can't see the clip...why is this??