Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year! Here's to Courage.

I was happy to discover that we have a brand new themed section in NYC's New Year's Eve Ball: "Let There Be Courage."  (And holy crap, Waterford has also released a New Year's Eve iPhone app called "Clink-Clink"...that didn't make my top 10 list.)

I've fought feelings of guilt this year because I still have a home, both my Husb and I have jobs, we have our many things to be grateful for when there is so much suffering right here in the States, in Florida, here in Sarasota/ Bradenton, where we do a good job of covering up our problems with relative weath. 

No doubt courage is needed at this time.

We have serious issues in the world that are approaching a level that seems insurmountable. I don't believe they are insurmountable. But still, we all know that perception is everything. It's really a time for us to step forward and be courageous--accepting new realities and changing those that are unacceptable; making personal choices that reflect our deepest convictions; and keeping a positive, hopeful stance toward people and our planet, even when it seems most difficult.  (It's so much easier to be sarcastic, isn't it?)

I can think of several inner personal battles that require more courage on my part, and I love the person (or the bickering committee) who waded through millions of theme ideas to come up with this "Let There Be Courage" theme for the year 2010.

If you have two minutes, enjoy this short video of inspirational movie speeches. Although it depicts a little too many war scenes for my liking, "courage" is the prevailing theme. (Oh and don't miss the scenes of Sloth from The Goonies and one of my all time favorites, Dead Poet's Society.)  It reminds me that times requiring great faith in dark hours also present the most opportunity for lasting change, whether it's personal, community-wide, or ocean-crossing.

So how about a glass of champagne today to "Courage": it's what's for dinner. We could all use it this year.


Liz Mays said...

Yes, indeed. Here's to courage!!!

Happy New Year!!!

Leah said...


I love this clip... very powerful. I smiled on the "shame on you" part, but had goosebumps all throughout.

Happy New Year! Yes to courage!!!

PS I will wear colors summer. Hahaha!

Erica@PLRH said...

Very nice. :)

Is it scary that I recognized 99% of those clips? Oh, captain, my captain.

Just to be a pest... there were more clips from sports movies than war movies. Plus, the St. Cripin's Day speech really doesn't count because that was Shakepeare.

KB said...

Interesting that most of it reflects the boisterous courage defined by testosterone. I guess it would be difficult to make an exciting clip about the quiet thoughtful courage that underlies so many of our personal decisions that move the world along. I'll opt for that kind of courage for 2010.

Mixed Reflections said...

Agreed, Oh Insightful One, KB. Always love your reflections & observations. Wish you weren't so far away...

PLRH, I tune sports and war out the same way. Isn't that terrible? Clearly, they're different. I think I'll buy Dead Poets Society today. Haven't seen it in so long...loved RW in that movie.

Anonymous said...

Love, love, love this! Here's to courage and Happy New Year to you!

Julia, the Thanksgiving Girl said...

Here's to courage!! *raises her imaginary glass*

Nice video! Some of those were very unexpected :)

nursemyra said...

One inch at a time.....

Poindexter said...

Hear, hear! Thanks for the very inspired message in this morning of our new year. The Edgar Allen Poe poem, El Dorado, speaks ot me of living with courage and I call on it from time to time to remind myself... Happy new year to you!

ballast photography said...

Alot to think about here in this post of yours. I didn't see the thematic segment you mentioned, but you're right--problems ARE everywhere, and sometimes the hardest ones to find are those wearing a pretty mask.

And on a lighter note: you may be happy to know that I just learned today that the word "app" is out for 2010. Ditto for the phrase "in these economic times." Things are looking up!

Marvin said...

My favorite scene from "Dead Poets Society" was the wisp of smoke curling up from behind the father's desk. >;->

Unknown said...

I'll drink to that! Here's to courage. :o)

Happy New Year!