Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Top 10 Missing Apps on the iPhone

1. An app that generates an additional 2 days for every standard weekend.

2. An app to automatically whisk away songs stuck in your head for more than 3 days, like certain tunes from The Sound of Music, anything from Hall and Oats, and that song that starts out with “Heard it from a friend, who heard it from a frii-eeend who, heard it from another you’ve been messin’ around…”

3. An app connecting my phone to Bono’s. Come on, just give me 5 minutes…okay, 2 tops.

4. An app to turn spammers and computer virus developers into 3 legged spiders with herpes.

5. An app that would immediately let me know exactly how bad it is when Husband starts out a sentence with “Now don’t freak out, but…”

6. An app that is so cool that it is too cool to be called an “app.” I’m so over that word.

7. Obviously, an app to help me predict the future. Why haven’t they thought of this yet?

8. An app that can sense whether a soup of any kind was really made with chicken stock. I’ve got to be careful, okay.

9. Of course, an app to detect whether the person I’m talking to is actually listening, or doing 4-9 other things simultaneously.

10. And finally, an app to tell me the name and location of that Anonymous poster from a while back. Hell no, I’m not still thinking about that. What kind of dweller do you think I am?

What did I miss here?  By the way, I don't even have an iPhone, but feel like I do with the market share of commercials consumed by Apple. For all I know, these could be existing apps.


Anonymous said...

I think you need an app to have that Tofurky Baker Acted! Amazing to me that you can still be so beautiful and healthy while consuming such a danger to your well-being. Love you, Gropy, but your food is disgustamente.

Leah said...

Awesome suggestions... I love the additional 2days for the weekend app and the app to predict the future.

LOL on the app to tell you who the anonymous commenter is...when you get that app, can you share it with me?

Happy New Year... hugs from Manila.

Anonymous said...

I don't have an iPhone but I did just get a Droid. And I LOVE it!! I can see why they are so addicting!

bernthis said...

I don't own an Iphone but I would take an app that:

1. let's me know if the guy i'm emailing online really looks like that

2. an app that cleans my house

Julia, the Thanksgiving Girl said...

Haha, great suggestions!! The whisking away song app is awesome lol

HAPPY NEW YEAR to you!! :)

Anonymous said...

Lovin' these app suggestions esp #1. It the iphone takes your suggestions,I'll even buy one!

ballast photography said...

I just got an itouch, so I'm new to the fascinating world of apps. As my daughter--who got one for Christmas said--"it's like getting a new toy every minute!"

But an app to know the future? I'd be too scared of that--can't handle all that knowledge....

Unknown said...

My name is Penny and I believe I'm one of the last surviving people on the planet that does not have a cell phone.

However... I would buy an iphone if there was an app that would hook me up with Jimmy Buffett for a few beers and a guitar session.

Or... an app that fast forwards the day so that I don't have to kill ...(counting)... 7.5 more hours until I can start getting ready for tonight's party! :o)

Erica@PLRH said...

How about an app that can mute conversations that you really don't care to hear?

Also, if you discover the Bono app, I'm buying an iPhone.

Happy New Year!

Poindexter said...

I need an app that will give me a quick clue for exactly the proper clever and witty exclamation at those stressful times when I'm confronted with difficulty (polite way of saying a$$ho1e).

other than that, you've got the complete list covered. please share the week extending app after you successfully download it?

KB said...

How about an app that creates time-off for retired people?

M L Jassy said...

Hilarity! I too am appless but as we say in Oz, 'She'll be apples', meaning, it'll be OK. While having music and camera embedded in the phone may mean two things fewer to lose, it's too soon for me to become homogenised. I too wish to discuss this with Bono. There are many, many things I have been needing to discuss with him for many years, so I'm glad we share that appreciation.

hubby said...

how about an app that would make me a computer, then maybe i could get some attention