Monday, January 25, 2010

Failure to Connect: The Rain, The Rain barrel and a River

Imagine my surprise receiving a call that I won a drawing for a new rain barrel. Me. I never win anything. (And I'm not complaining, it's just one of those fact of life things for Gropius.) I immediately thought, all in about 10 seconds...
  • Yes! I never win anything.
  • Yes! We've been wanting a rain barrel. Not so we can take rain water showers or anything like that. But it would be awesome for watering our plants and garden.
  • Wait. How will I fit this rain barrel in my car?
  • Oh yeah...coming back to me...It's one of those rain barrels that kids painted with their names and handprints. Hmmm...

It kind of reminded me of when our old neighbors won a drawing for a baby chicken (turning out to be a rooster) at some bird show.  It made for a tough situation, living within the city limits and all.

So Husb went to retrieve the barrel. He bought a gutter for the back roof line, installed the gutter and got to play with power tools. All we needed was rain!  And holy cow was it raining this morning.  Aaaah yeah! 

I hadn't actually seen the finished product, so to speak. You know, the entire thing, connected and ready to go. So imagine my surprise when I walked onto the porch at 6:12 a.m. to see the rain barrel--dry as my January skin--hanging out in the shelter of the porch and the connected gutter doing just what it was supposed to do:

Spewing thousands of gallons of water...

Into newly forming rivers, riverlets, streams, and mini-streams of wasted rain barrel aqua. Our kayaks were feeling very much at home in the backyard. And then a few minutes passed, and as with all deluges in Florida, the rivers passed into quiet subterranian streams.

Husband had a very busy weekend, and for the love of Pete, I could have actually helped getting it all connected. There's always our next rainstorm...


Hubby said...

Forgot to metion the $100 in gutter/suplies for our FREE rain barrel

Marvin said...

Hmmmmm we got free barrels from the car wash. Then we bought a flex-downspout ($8 I think) from the hardware store. We clamped the flex spout on the wall, thence to the top of the barrel. We bought a bibb nozzle (like a spigot but flat on the back, with threads going into it), drilled a hole for a threaded bibb connector, put a big nut on the inside of the barrel with the bibb nozzle on the outside, and two big rubber washers. $12 I think. Then we cut a notch in the top of the barrel lip so that overflow would go in that direction, and we sat another barrel next to it, lower, to catch the overflow from the upper barrel. We're still in process of putting dual barrels on each corner of the house. We have three corners to cover.... the fourth is the driveway, no room for a barrel.

Your barrel is MUCH MUCH prettier than ours.

Poindexter said...

you two are so funny, I was thinking the same thing - what was your investment $ in rain gutter fixins for that free 55 gallon barrel? But y'all are so environmentally conscious that it will definitely be put to good use!

Erica@PLRH said...

Your rain barrel is lovely and one of a kind! Don't worry, it's suppose to rain again this weekend.

We should probably get one too. It's a great idea.

Anonymous said...

I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS. You gotta be kiddin me. Aren't you? You're thinking is skewed or else you're very naive if you imagine that I'm going to believe that anyone is actually awake at 6:12 AM. Get real.

Notary sojac!!!!

Smokey Stover

Paul said...

It's good to want to make something of the rainy weather. Some of us just sulk and stay inside while others like Gropius do interesting things like paint a rain barrel and still make it look cool.

M L Jassy said...

Rainwater tanks are a must for every new house being built in our part of Australia. In my town we have Stage 2 Water Restrictions and I can only water the lawn and garden on 3 days of the week. Most exciting water rations, it's like wartime without the war(ter).

Anonymous said...

Tell your hubby, mine would have pointed that out also...kind of like how he asks me how much money I spent when I tell him how much I saved! Congrats to you. I love matter the prize, well almost no matter the prize. Enjoy your barrel, let us know if you ever need us to do a rain dance for you!

Julia, the Thanksgiving Girl said...

Woo hoo, congrats on the win though! A nice feeling, isn't it? :)

Leah said...

Congrats on the win! I'm not really familiar with rain barrels. I think we have to have that in Manila where rains are a natural everyday thing.

nursemyra said...

It's Wednesday over here now; is your pretty blue rain barrel hooked up and ready yet?

Mixed Reflections said...

Marvin, what a fabulous idea. I'll have to get Husband on it right away. It's supposed to rain again this weekend...maybe our colorful and crazy rainbarrel will make it to her position in time.