Sunday, January 31, 2010

Movie Review: When in Rome

D-Man was invited to a birthday camping trip this weekend, providing Husband and I with a rare day to ourselves. After arriving a little too late to our preferred flick—one in which we would be forced to stare up nostrils all night from the front two rows—we decided to take our chances on When In Rome.

We knew we were doomed when we entered a theatre full of teeny boppers. Husband quickly received group laughter from the last row when he fell into his seat. And before the film began, we would periodically hear the outbursts of obnoxious snickering from various corners of the room. Aahhh, to be that age again when literally everything others do is hilarious. Although I confess to similar theater antics as a teen, even at that time in my life I thought to myself, “Damn, we are annoying. I would hate us if I weren’t us.”

One of the best parts of the movie came right at the beginning. Kristin Bell’s character turns to her ex (who’s showed up unexpectedly at an event she coordinated) and has a huge piece of salad wedged between a tooth. I found particular enjoyment from this in relationship to my own “spinach spot.” Husband always asks me if “I’m storing something for later.” If it isn’t for that freaking one tooth space….agh! I can always count on it.

You may want to see this film if...

a.) You have a teenage daughter you’d like to spend some QT with.

b.) You’re in the mood for something to take you on a 2 hour trip away from life as you know it but aren’t looking for anything deep—it is cute and decent (hey, nothing wrong with that)

c.) You’d like to laugh at something you’ve already seen on television previews 53 times.

It’s really not a bad movie, but I wouldn’t expect any Sundance awards coming this way.

Here’s a clip that is fairly representative of what you’ll see in When In Rome…and it also happens to show the sister, who my goodness, looks like a 14 year old. Husband and I were totally grossed out at a nearly naked apron scene where she really looked like a child-bride. Yeew.

Are we right? What's UP with that choice?


Julia, the Thanksgiving Girl said...

Haha, what a funny clip though But yeah, I agree, the bride looks like she could be 12 years old.... A little disturbing, but then again, I haven't seen the whole movie, so maybe you guys are just really being weird :P

And lol at "Damn, we are annoying. I would hate us if I weren’t us"

Erica@PLRH said...

The most important thing is that you and hubby got some alone time. That is, if you ignore all the teeny-boppers.

Liz Mays said...

That's why I tend to go to the movies in the afternoon with the rest of the elderly crowd! LOL

nursemyra said...

Not really my sort of movie. Have you seen Fantastic Mr Fox? It's sweet and funny...

Marvin said...

We love romantic comedies, but that one looks kinda dumb.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, the bride does look like she's 12, wonder who did the casting in this movie. At least you guys got some alone time!

Maureen@IslandRoar said...

My 15 year old really wants to see this; me, not so much.
At least you had time alone, right?