Saturday, January 23, 2010

Totally Random Thoughts from the Week

A phenomenal speaker I heard this week mentioned that 80-90% of all of the gazillion thoughts to go through our heads each day are negative. Yikes. Is this true for me? I think not!
Here’s a totally random sampling of this week’s fleeting Gropius thoughts:

  • Did the holidays ever happen? Oh yes they did. It was like 17 years ago.
  • I lied. Oh my gosh I lied. I knew I wouldn’t do the dishes tonight.
  • She does not deserve this. Please, Universe, toss her a bone at least. Her parents need help now, and she’s done everything she can.
  • For the first time ever, I’m sick of pizza. This will change in 3 days.
  • I need a good movie.
  • There are exactly 187 days until our summer vacation. 7 months sounds better. Or does it?
  • That was the best damn veggie spring roll I’ve had. I loved my Thursday night Thai dinner with Husband. Glad we can eat out. Some people don’t know where their next meal is coming from. Does this make me wasteful?
  • That was rude, crude and socially unacceptable. (It was my 11th grade art teacher’s favorite saying when people were unnecessarily obnoxious and nasty. Along with “Don’t be an art chicken,” that was his mantra.)
  • I love this lady’s speech! It’s so positive, so inspiring, so making me want to really jump up and down. [10 minutes later: Will this day ever come to an end?]
  • Note to self: when I say “yes” to too many pro bono project invites for the future, when the future arrives I deserve the mess in my head.
  • I am so SICK of people’s pettiness. Go back to third grade and tell the teacher.
  • One day the lame porkie poopers who sit at home and post their nasty comments to online news articles about positive work in the community will self-destruct. Who ARE these people anyway?
  • I need to exercise. What the hell would it take to get me in my tennies and out the door for a good 2 miles? Never mind. I am so freaking tired. I’ve burned up enough energy today worrying and trying to keep 8,986 projects in order.
  • I feel better knowing there are a lot of good people in the world who genuinely care about what happens far away from them and what’s happening in their own backyard. I wonder…are there more who care than don’t?
Dear God, is it true? Do I really have too many negative thoughts? I don’t think so. I have lots of hope, I like my job, I’m grateful for what I have and just to be alive, I feel lucky to have good family and friends, I feel pretty good about my diverse set of hobbies and interests, and finally, I have faith in goodness and a higher power.

Note to self: Must invest in some positive thinking tapes. I own my thoughts. I don’t want a lot of the ones above. Focus more on the present, enjoy each day and moment, forget about the dorky complainers, and cut out the guilt. Adding that to my project list...


nursemyra said...

sounds pretty much like the stuff that goes through my head too ;-)

Poindexter said...

it's so easy to tell what you do for a living - you are very mindful and grateful. Interesting remark from the speaker though, I would not doubt if it was true for me, lots of negative chatter and doubt about myself that I cannot erase or discard...

Erica@PLRH said...

I'm sick of other people's pettiness as well.

Julia, the Thanksgiving Girl said...

Haha, I so know what you mean :) Ever since I developed this thankful habit of my mine it really became a second nature... Like with your example about eating out with your husband, say I may go out and don't really like the meal, but in my mind I'd instantly go like "oh but the place is so beautiful and teh chair is so comfortable, I am thankful I ahve the opportunity to eat out and even chose where my meal comes from blah blah blah" Makes the world seem like a better place instantly. I can see this kind of pattern in your thoughts too, so I wouldn't say you're too negative - I've met far more pessimistic people, which was part of the reason to start my blog. I mean, you are even willing to get more positive, a lot of people just say "no, it's not possible, there's no point in changing, you are just lucky you are so optimistic and my life is so messed up that nothing's going to help" lol

Liz Mays said...

What a wonderful post and I agree with you. I do tend to dwell on the negative aspects and worry about things too much. I need to take a lead from you!

Anonymous said...

That is so post was random thoughts. Yours seem to be more positive than mine, one friend asked me if I was angry. I need to work on that positive living thing! Love the rude, crude, and socially unacceptable...might have to steal it! You can get your tennies moving by tying them to the back of the car and then driving down the street...just a thought!!!

Marvin said...

I like your thoughts.

I myself was thinking that I don't engage in introspection nearly as much as I used to. I wonder if something's wrong with me, or if I'm getting old, or if I'm just too damn busy to introspect anymore. I don't know. I'll have to think about it. ;-)