Tuesday, December 8, 2009


I really am a super nice person. I’m just exhausted after a long day at work. And obviously, I can count on this moment for someone I haven’t spoken to in a very long time to IM me on Facebook.  The "conversation" went kind of like this:

Long Lost Friend: Hey. How are you?

Gropius: Very busy, but everything is fine. How in the world are you?

Long Lost Friend: I’m recently engaged.

Gropius: Oh congratulations!!  Tell me about him. It’s a him, right? Hahaha.

Long Lost Friend: HE lives in Sarasota and I’m moving closer. Will be working for the March of Dimes.

Gropius: That’s wonderful! Maybe you can get them to stop animal testing. Where are you living now?

Long Lost Friend: I live in Tampa.

Gropius: Still in your townhouse?

Long Lost Friend: Yes, but I’ll be selling it.

Gropius: Good luck in this market.

Long Lost Friend: I have to go now and do some work.

Oh. So now I get it. Being tired can transform a person into one you sincerely regret ever selecting with the instant message icon. Unfortunately, I was that person.  And I never want to be that person. Somewhere in the Universe I will be forgiven, and we can all love each other again. ...As long as this blog post isn't discovered by one Ms.-Soon-To-Be-Mrs. Long Lost Friend.


Marvin said...

I find that it's easier not to IM or text. ;-) Emails are a much better way to properly transmit emotional content in the appropriate context. IM strips all that away, and it can too easily make people look like jerks.

Erica@PLRH said...

It sounds like she was the one who cut the conversation short. She just used your excuse. I wouldn't sweat about it.

nursemyra said...

I'm with Marvin - emailing is much safer

Leah said...

That's why I'm forever invisible in my IM or FB... I don't want any "long-lost friends" to suddenly strike some conversation and it'll be so rude not to respond.

Liz Mays said...

If you had thrown a LOL or a wink in there, then maybe....

M L Jassy said...

It's not quite a 'Tampa crisis' but it's bad enough ...

kathryn said...

Well, that was RUDE. It almost sounds like she just wanted to brag...just a bit.

Is that awful of me that I think that??

Poindexter said...

I'm with Marvin too - I really shy away from IM or texting b/c it is way too difficult to convey your message in its intended context. I suspect you were just trying to be funny and not dole out the jabs. If you feel that there is anything on your side of the sidewalk that needs sweeping, a friendly email might be something to consider.

Anonymous said...

"Here's the infamous border fence, keeping our America safe from pot, people and...hmmm....wait? What's it for?"

After all, only marijuana gets smuggled across the Border. Not heroin, cocaine, weapons and terrorists. It is only pot. RIGHT. Wow, you really are ignorant.

To many uneducated liberals, the Border Fence may just be that.
I'm sure you think that most illegal aliens are just coming over to work and find a better life. Unfortunatley, a majority of them have backgrounds that include rape, murder, drug smuggling, and numerous other felonies. But I'm sure that doesnt matter to a left wing douche like you. Let's just open the country to them. After all, they aren't coming to your neighborhood, are they? The luxury that you have is that you don't really know what happens in these Border towns and you can cry and bitch all you want, but the fact remains that if the Border Patrol wasn't around, your life as you know it would not exist.

Mixed Reflections said...

Maybe next time you'll have the balls to put your name on the comment next time, Anonymous. If it weren't for your mother, who did name you in fact, you would not exist. Obviously your mother was also a Native American Indian who was born here before Columbus landed.

And before you call someone ignorant you just might want to check into their body of knowledge. I guarantee, 100%, that I know far more about the issue than you but simply disagree about the fence. Most people who know what they're talking about do not resort to name calling and do in fact, know where to post a comment that relates to the particular blog post they're referring to. Wrong entry, sweetheart.

M L Jassy said...

Anonymous, so vomitous with opinions under-ponderous.

Life would not be lived as Gropius knows it without the border fence? A-nonny-mouse writes as if all the evils in society come from outside the country.

As if poverty, poor health, unskilled labour dependence and drug abuse were somehow the creations on a Mexican foreign policy.

I think America could work wonders with more Mexicans integrating into society. It certainly worked for Ellis Island which admitted the millions of migrants who eventually became Americans and probably begat Anonymous. A business that's not growing is stagnating, and a country that doesn't admit migrants, and plenty of them, from struggling neighbouring states, is a self-defeating Goliath.