Sunday, December 13, 2009

Texas Traveling

This part of the country is definitely different. And anything different is interesting to me. So far, we've spent time indoors with the young babe who is sweet and beautiful...and has taken up crying at times like all new little people do. We've taken a few short walks in their hood, out to a rocky trail overlooking slight hills with green-gray vegetation, the remains of half eaten skunks and unseen birds chirping in the distance.

I'm looking forward to a trip to Lake Amistad National Park when the fog clears this afternoon. In the meantime, I'm bummed I can't upload any photos to this laptop. All good things to those who wait.

I'm mentally planning an exciting roadtrip-that-may-never-be for the Spring. It involves a starting flight into San Antonio, followed by driving to Austin and a few New Mexico destinations. Love the southwest. Honestly, I love anything that involves traveling and could probably be satisfied doing it at least half the year. (...Except expensive bed and breakfasts and considerable transportation to far-away nature preserves are usually involved.)

Now let's talk air. I flew Continental for the first time and was pleasantly surprised at the difference between their service and US Air. ...Although it's not hard to top US Air on a positive reliability scale. My recent stranding experience on Thanksgiving was evidence once more that they couldn't give a doo doo where or when you're left unaccording to plan.  The nice lady beside me on one of my flights added "The most favorable thing US Air has done is that safe landing in the Hudson." (One of her recent 6 hour cross-country trips took 14 hours.)

Flight attendants are getting saucier with their comments, which I love. On the Tampa-Houston flight I heard "Please do not open the closed overhead compartments, as we may never be able to get them closed again if you do."  Have you seen this Southwest Air flight attendant? Posted it on Facebook recently and had two people tell me he was on one of their flights. I'm so jealous...


nursemyra said...

He's cute! Love to travel with him....

Leah said...

I wish he will be in one of my future southwest flights. Love the attitude of the flight attendants in the US. That is not the case with the FAs in the Philippines...they are just so full of arrogance. They need to have a special training on people skills.

kathryn said...

Oh, he was FABULOUS! I'm jealous, too! What a great way to get ppl to pay attention...nothing better than being entertained!

Liz Mays said...

Oh geez, I never get any interesting flight attendants! I always wanted to be one. Now I can't see why.

Anonymous said...

You're right, it's a fascinating state. I thought I'd hate Texas until I went there and traveled around. Besides oil wells you can find seashore complete with turtles, the world's largest shrimping fleet, desert, at least one oasis, big piney woods, fishing lakes, oak savanna, hot springs, mountains ethnic areas, an incredible observatory and now the country's largest windfarm. Wow! Too bad it had W as a poster boy. The state didn't deserve that.

If you have a bit of time have your bro take you up the road to Judge Roy Bean's place. (He's called the Hangin' Judge but he never came close to hanging anyone.)It's an interesting historic spot that can wisk you back to the old west just as Crowley connected you to the old East.

Notary Sojac!!!


Julia, the Thanksgiving Girl said...

I've seen this video on facebook a few months ago!!! Thought the guy was too cool. Awesome idea!

P.S. What knowledge and insight on grasshoppers!! I'm so impressed :) It relly might be what you say it is since you prob. worked in that nature center in Florida, right? And the pic's taken in Miami, so it's a local creature.

M L Jassy said...

Hey, I think it was Gnukid (The Wilds of Ohio) who flew SouthWest recently and also posted this same video! I said he should fly south-west to the south-west of New South Wales where I will be living in the Australian bush, a small town called Deniliquin. You come too! There is supposed to be amazing bird-watching in the Red Gum Forest nearby.
Texas sounds great. I know this fun Lyle Lovett song called San Antonio girl.