Saturday, December 19, 2009

Canyons, Babies and Fences

It's been a few. One day I will learn and just get a Mac, but in the meantime I am suffering the old fashioned way--with computer viruses. (And human viruses from um, I have completely lost my voice.) Thank goodness dear IT man was able to clear the nasty infection from its new life on my PC without me losing anything.  So at long last, here are some pics as I blog in voiceless silence at 2:30 a.m. (courtesy of Flanders' wee morning pee run).

The Texas babe was a treasure. Just beginning to smile, every now and then she would flash a quick one for us. She loves her hands and is very expressive using them in dramatic poses on her face as she sleeps.

Bro took me out on Lake Amistad, an enormous 66,000 acre, duck-filled wonder, produced from daming the Rio Grande River.  Coots, green winged teal, white pelicans (9 foot wing span), an American wood cock, and my personal fave--the dramatic-in-red scarlet tanager--were seen in various spots along our journey. We stopped the boat to get out and walk and found a charming dry creek bed filled with deer tracks, cacti and sounds from birdies we don't have in this part of the states.  More photos are on the Flickr stream (see right), but here are a few to give you a taste:

Now the terrain in and around Del Rio was pretty freaking crispy. Not too much vegetation with a dull grayish-brown pervading the color wheel on all sides. But there were treasures in the morning fog and in small things that maintain a beauty of their own:

Sis-in-law, baby and I went on a 45 minute drive to the canyons near the intersection of the Pecos and Rio Grande Rivers. Here I spoke with a sweet local fisherman, met my first ever canyon wren and heard goats calling from a cave within the canyon where, apparently, they stay during the night to avoid a grim fate induced by mountain lion capture.

Here's the infamous border fence, keeping our America safe from pot, people and...hmmm....wait? What's it for?  It was quite different than I imagined. This was taken near a station just outside of Del Rio.

And to end on a high note, Del Rio and surrounding area have fabulous sunsets. A special thank you to my family hosts. They were the best and I miss them already.


Leah said...

The baby is so cute. And I can relate with the PC virus that's why I shifted to Mac.

Have a lovely weekend!

nursemyra said...

Is that you holding the baby?

Brian Weiner said...


Your pictures are amazing. I cannot get over the talent you have for seeing the beauty in a scene.

Book time, I think...

Happy Holidays,

Poindexter said...

gorgeous, precious baby! And your photos of the landscape make Del Rio look story-book Texas beautiful. I'm headed over to the flickr stream now. Hope you start to feel better soon!

Poindexter said...

tell us what camera(s) you use? curious minds... you know.

Mixed Reflections said...

Yep, that's me holding the babe. You guys are sweet with your too-too kind photo comments. I'm using a 3 year old Sony Cyber-shot that Husband got for me after I ruined my Cannon on a mountain walk that turned into a "can Gropius make it back down in a downpour without breaking something or drowning" adventure. I'm thinking about a new camera purchase that matches PLRH's.

Anonymous said...

gropy...every one of your photos is like a painting. bob ross is smiling on high! love that little angel...she is just gorgeous! thanks for the pics. hope you are feeling much better today. xoxoxoxo r.l.

Julia, the Thanksgiving Girl said...

Lol at blogging in voiceless silence, hope you get better real soon though! The baby is so sweet! Love the pictures of the lake too - such calm water!!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pics, especially the baby!

Erica@PLRH said...

You've got a great eye. Your pics are fabulous! Much better than mine. Hmmm, maybe I should read the manual.

The baby is beautiful and you look so natural. ;)

M L Jassy said...

Lovely spiky cactus, ouch! I'm alwys amused by fruit and its pores. Stunning scenery. I am looking forward to my own dust-coated landscapery when I head south-west.

Clucky, clucky, clucky. If I didn't have a niecelet to cuddle I'd go nuts. T'aint nothin like the juniorest of our species.

KB said...

Thanks for the great pics. I like the twosome on the sofa. You look as happily smug as if it was your own. You're off to being a good aunt. The other pics are a good reminder of our time there except that the fence wasn't there then and Lake Amistad was just about completely dry. Nice to see what it looks like with water. Your camera has a good eye. ;>) You understand "The beauty is in the small stuff." {Nurtured by Nature blog}

Hope you get better soon and stay free of both kinds of virus. I recommend the Mac move. I never learn. I'm struggling with Windows Vista and even without viruses it's a pain in the ass. Before Vista my pains came from Windows XP and before that from Windows Millenium and before that from Windows ***. Well, you get the idea. I knew a Russian computer science professor who did a sabbatical at Microsoft. She described their systems as being well behind state of the art.
Ooops. Didn't man to rant. That's just what Microsoft does to me. Good wishes for a speedy recovery.
Keep smilin'.

Marvin said...

lovely pix!

♥ Braja said...

Hi Gropius, nice to meet you.
(who'da thought I'd be writing to a "gropius" today....)