Thursday, November 26, 2009

Since Yesterday...And Thank You, Morons at US Airways

I know it's not nice to say mean things, especially on Thanksgiving. But here it is: I'm stranded in Greenville, NC since US Airways cancelled my connecting flight to Charlotte. I can't hold them accountable for fog, but I can hold them accountable for employing morons who can't figure out how to deal with it later. Sometimes, people, you just have to get creative. That does not include solving the problem by shipping me home tomorrow.  AND, it wouldn't be the first time US Air left me stranded on the Thanksgiving holiday. So I'm thinking, "Jesus, Gropius, don't you ever learn?"

Since yesterday, the fam's bitchy and neurotic Springer Spaniel bit me, I spent plenty of time hiding in the back bedroom from visitors I didn't know, and I learned that it's possible to gain 5 pounds in 24 hours. There's a lot of junk food around here: cheese straws, lemon pound cake, and pecans cooked in an entire stick of butter (yes, my idea). 

On a more positive note, we've been digging up some amazing pictures--pictures that make me wonder how any of us were ever that young and good looking. ...Or ever consented to certain hairstyles. Digital cameras have not been good for the kind of albums you like to thumb through on the couch, triggering the recesses of memories that were put on the back burner for a while. It's really special to get connected with honest to God pictures you can hold in your hand. 

I'm sure that's what US Air had in mind when they did me the favor of screwing up again.

Enjoy your holiday! And know I'm thankful for readers, even when you don't leave a comment. :)

1 comment:

Erica@PLRH said...

I've made a mental note to never travel with you.

In the meantime, have fun hanging out in the airport. That alone should provide plenty of blogging material.

Come home safe!