Saturday, November 7, 2009

Bird Teenagers

Bird teenagers. You've got to love them. They talk back, are disrespectful and think they know everything. I'm not even sure they appreciate everything you do for them.

This immature White Ibis is in the prime of its life and in fine form. Soon all of the brown feathers will turn to white, and he will officially be a man. He looks like a Ricky. Totally a Ricky. And so cooperative Ricky was in allowing me to take a few glamour shots at Robinson Preserve this morning. One day, he will look back on this day and understand what I tried to do for him.


Erica@PLRH said...

Ricky is quite beautiful. One day soon he'll be a stud!

bernthis said...

this is why I'm never dating a bird and trust me that was a big possibility