Wednesday, March 4, 2009

She's One Hell of A Deal: Hello World

Oh my, has it really been one week since I've talked to you? The world is spinning too fast these days. Like you, I'm consumed with bad news between layoffs, way too expensive bail outs and the usual assortment of scary things broadcast at 6 pm.

Yesterday I got the news that a great friend in Charlotte NC (and Gropius reader) was laid off. She's an amazing writer, PR person, marketer, etc. etc. Instead of falling into a whirlwind of depression, this is what she sent out to the world. I know it's long, but read it all & then put on your thinking cap. There's cake involved.... And she's one hell of a deal.

Friends, Family, Former Colleagues and Clients:

Today I joined the ranks of those that have lost their jobs. Yes, it’s disappointing. But it comes with little surprise. Financially, things weren't going well at my former company and I've been expecting it. Anyway, the reason I am writing this letter is to let you know that there's another darn good creative on the streets.

However, I’m not just a creative. Over the years, I’ve done a lot more than write copy. Here’s a little insight into the Becca Bernstein you may think you know:

Sales Guru
In college, I worked part-time and made 36K a year selling everything from Betty Crocker Cookbooks to OSHA Manuals over the phone. After college, I moved to Boston and opened an in-house sales department for a pharmaceutical publishing company. There, I sold training materials to VPs, Executive Directors and Sales Managers. I exceeded every sales goal set before me. And I was involved in the biggest sale of the company, which doubled the revenue for the 1999 fiscal year. For the past eight years, I have used these skills to sell the most intangible product of all: ideas. Basically, I can sell anything.

Marketing Writer
From brochures to websites to banner ads to print ads to new business presentations, I’ve written for a wide array of voices and brands. I can write like a man, a tween, a mom, a member20of AARP, a CEO and I’ve even conquered the voice of a ham sandwich. (Yes, it had a lisp.)

Placing, negotiating, accessing, evaluating—I’ve done it all. When I worked in the gaming industry, I was responsible for getting the word out through all media outlets. I was such a tough negotiator, one of my vendors called me a Bulldog. I’m still blushing from the compliment.

Public Relations
In the gaming industry, my job was to get as much exposure for my company as possible. In my tenure, I was able to secure over $300,000 worth of free press. Which was a big plus because my company w as new to the marketplace and needed all the attention it could get.

So, that’s a brief snapshot into the core capabilities of Becca Bernstein. As we all know, it’s rough out there and finding a job isn’t going to be easy. That’s why I’m asking for your help. Please keep me in mind for any full time, part time or freelance opportunities you come across. As you can see, I’m flexible. As an extra incentive, I am offering the lucky person that finds me a job, a delicious steak dinner at McIntosh’s. And if you aren’t local, I will bake you a cake of your choice.

References and resumes are available on request.
Thanks for all your well wishes and job leads,
Becca Bernstein

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the press, Bowie. I appreciate it!