Friday, January 9, 2009

What a Long Strange Week It's Been

Can't even describe how strange the week seemed to me. True, much of it can be attributed to the post-Christmas, post-New Year's return to work. But the rest was a little surreal as well. I've been asking myself the question "What's next?" a lot lately--not with a negative context but more curiosity and a growing desire for a change somewhere. Ever feel that?

Here's what I'm looking forward to "next," i.e. this weekend. It will be a calm one, but one I feel like I've more than earned.
  • A trip to the good 'ole Barnes & Noble. I need a new book. Any suggestions? Cheesy, I know, but I do enjoy Oprah's Book Club books...they're usually just my type. Classic and thought-provoking is what I'm looking for.
  • An adventure in cooking. That's right; you probably can't believe it. I am the most terrible, uncultured domestically disabled person around, but I have an urge to fix something tasty and deliver it to one of my favorite friends. (Watch out! You might not want to be the recipient!)
  • Some time with the fam. I've hardly seen them this week. The young man needs a hair cut, and hubbie and I need to kick it up a notch with our exercise routines. We were good about it over the break, but after a full day of craziness at work, we both want to come home, plop on the couch and relax. A trip to Little Manatee River State Park might be in order...

I'm going to try to keep my bootie off of Facebook this weekend. It's become a bit of an unwelcome obsession. What are you up to, Gropius readers?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I suggest a nice batch of tapioca might be good as your cooking project this weekend. If you use the old fashioned recipe (see it on label on Bob's Red Mill tapioca)that calls for separated eggs it's just complicated enough to be interesting but simple enough to be satisfying. Add coconut to jazz it up a bit.

Smokey Stover
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