Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Name Your Hood Ornament

I get to work with some very creative and delightful people. One of them is my partner in silly plots which are, for the most part, never carried out. But a girl can dream, yes?

Though not a scheme, I thought I would pass along an e-mail I received from her last week:

"On my way to work I was traveling with a guy next to me in an old Cutliss, Mac Intosh apple red. The dude was trying to get his eyes open and had probably put his clothes on while he was heading out the door. Maybe he brushed his teeth, maybe not.
The fantastic thing about the view was that your eye was drawn immediately to his hood ornament, the sawed off top of a baseball player’s trophy. It made me think, what would I display so proudly if I had the nerve?
The sight of a sawed off cheerleader trophy from days of yore fastened with caulk on the hood of my minivan just didn’t seem enough. I wish I had won a bowling trophy the night we went in our best threads!
What would you fasten to your eco friendly Honda Civic?
A lovely porcelain Bono bust, of course. What else? WHO else?

Let's just pretend you were that hood ornament kind of girl or guy. What would it be?


floridawinediva said...

Evan Longoria Bobblehead! I can watch his head bob as I drive!

Poindexter said...

George Jetson?

Anonymous said...

I'd probably pick Superman.

Marvin said...

I would remove the windshield and bolt a Browning .30-caliber machinegun to the hood. You never know when you'll need it in traffic. It would probably need some reinforcing steel, underneath.

If I MUST choose a hood ornament, I think it would be a fake Rolls Royce Pierce Arrow angel with the wings. But you know some kid would just skip the car with Bono's bust, and steal MY ornament. Sigh.

M L Jassy said...

Dolly Parton's bust.

Liz Mays said...

Johnny Depp? Can that be arranged?

SuziCate said...

A huge chocolate kiss...because everybody needs a little love, and life isn't complete without chocolate!

Erica@PLRH said...

Do you have a bust of Bono???

I have a favorite swimming trophy with a swimmer poised to dive off the starting block. somehow that seems appropriate.

Maureen@IslandRoar said...

Maybe just a horse head, a la Godfather, and just scare the crap out of everyone.
Only kidding. I like Bono, but having him on my hood would just be too distracting...

Marvin said...

I like Mitzi's suggestion, though you'd need two hoods. Maybe one on the hood and one on the trunk. Hmmm. Might help with the airflow.