Thursday, July 1, 2010

10 Random Thoughts From My Week

  1. It's more than mildy disturbing that I can exercise and watch what I eat and gain weight. And no, it's not that muscles weigh more than fat!!
  2. Husband was right. The flatscreen tv does make our living room look a lot bigger. And I'm thankful for that since our little house is like 40 square feet.
  3. It's not the heat, it's the humidity.
  4. Of course I wish I had a Bono bust for the car, but no, I really don't own one. How is Bono anyway? Call me what ever you like, but I've been worried about him. Hoping he's on the road to recovery with the back surgery and allowing himself to do it peacefully.
  5. What is Marvin the Martian's real name?
  6. Aaahhh, vacation. Only 3 weeks away. Finally.
  7. Sometimes one's stage presence so eclipses his actual abilities that others are easily tricked into thinking he has something good in that head. A living example of this is plaguing a friend of mine at her job. Wake up everyone!
  8. Is it just that I've gotten used to the spitting, or are baseball players hocking fewer saliva balls this year?
  9. While we're on baseball, it's been making me feel really, really old lately. I look at a senior player thinking, "Dang, he looks like he's been playing this game for a while" and then I realize he's older than me. That sucks.
  10. Finally, I've met some really cool people blogging. I think about you in your corner of the world and always appreciate you reading and leaving comments. Reading about your lives has become part of mine.


Leah said...

I agree with the humidity... sometimes I wish I live someplace where there is dry heat, maybe it'll be more tolerable. Now, you got me thinking about Marvin's real name. I will ask my boys, maybe they have some ideas. :-)

Anonymous said...

Great random thoughts! We all need those sometime!

injaynesworld said...

Baseball players have great forearms. Just a random thought I came up with while reading yours.

This post looks like it was fun to write. Maybe I'll give it a try. God know, I have all sorts of stuff bouncing around in my brain like loose cannons.

Poindexter said...

This list ROCKS. And so does your new blog look. It makes you look soooo thin!!!

Marvin said...

I don't have a name, so much as a serial number tatooed on the back of my retina. (Name that movie.) Clones don't rate names, generally. But we do distinguish ourselves in different ways.

I love your new template! Very cool look.

bernthis said...

oh please take me on vacation. Please. It has been way too long.

and yes, I too have met some of the most amazing ppl ever blogging and I'm so grateful.

M L Jassy said...

Ten is such a great number: I just had a crazy thought of my own - do you think we measure stuff in decimal lots because we have ten digits - is that where it comes from? This is a good exercise, dreaming up ten.

PS The blog looks great. I'm thinking it could be time to go more minimalist.

PS Humid air is better for the skin that dry, hot air.

Julia, the Thanksgiving Girl said...

"It's not the heat, it's the humidity" - yes, yes and yes! Most definately!

SuziCate said...

Yay, for vacations, sounds like you and I are taking off the same week! Can't your randomness!

nursemyra said...

Where are you going for your vacation?

nursemyra said...

thanks for answering the question on my blog. your upcoming holiday sounds really lovely

Unknown said...

I LOVE the new look... the header is just gorgeous!

#5: Rudolph?