Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Sanibel Treasures

My only hesitation in another beach posting is that readers who aren't from Florida get the shore stereotype reinforced. So I'll preface the sandy photos with a comment that there are many treasured ecosystems in our state--from pine flatwoods to cypress hammocks, saltwater marshes to turkey oak sandhills. It's a beautiful state.

So that said, let's give it a whirl. Here are some photos of the beautiful, untained-by-oil beaches of Sanibel Island. Get there if you can. It hasn't been spoiled...yet. I'm praying for it.

A frothy surf glides over thousands of years of broken shells and sand leaving a few delicate bubbles--
not to be confused with those hideous Bubble Room bubbles.

A Florida fighting conch's egg case sits on the sand with glimmers of salty film. Damn, laying that many eggs must suck.

White ibises, one adult and one immature, harvest tiny mollusks from the sand. These guys have it right. Never understand the ones you see in urban yards and retention ponds behind big box retailers. What are they THINKING?


Liz Mays said...

Oh how I miss the gulf!!

injaynesworld said...

I will keep that beautiful beach in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photos. I would love to see it in person.

Marvin said...

HEY! What do you mean he's immature? Maybe he's just small for his age. Or maybe it's because he's COLORED, huh? (practicing my manufactured rage. mmmmmm not working, just not feeling it.)

I dare you to keep one of those egg casings in your trunk for a day in the sun. We have. Though it wasn't on a dare, we just forgot. Ugh.

ballast photography said...

Even though we have beaches here in VA, whelk egg cases and all, this post just reinforces the wistfulness for the Sunshine State which I nurtured all during my evening run...I love Florida...praying for those beaches, too.

bernthis said...

I literally cannot see another oil soaked animal and not cry and just get so so sad. I too pray this piece of coastline stays as pristine as it is.

M L Jassy said...

The conch egg case is really creepy. Fascinating, don't get me wrong, but creepy!

Tootie said...

It's funny you mentioned it, because I've always wondered why the Ibis walk in the swales and what they find to eat there.

Keep praying folks!

Erica@PLRH said...

Oh, I wish I could have gone. But I would have gotten everyone sick! So you're better off without me... this time.

Leah said...

I was watching CNN this morning and they showed a lot of wild animals and birds in Florida who were affected by the oil spill. I thought of you and your love for the wildlife. I sincerely hope that they can contain the spill soon and those unaffected beaches be spared. xoxo

Maureen@IslandRoar said...

God I love the beach. It's a little different everywhere, isn't it? I'm so sad about what's happening. Keep us posted about down by you.

Unknown said...

Oh, I love the beach! I can't wait to visit FL some day. :o)

Anonymous said...

i hope it stays that clean and beautiful.

AiringMyLaundry said...

What a beautiful beach.

I really hope it stays clean.