Sunday, June 20, 2010

Three More Chunks of Inspiration

So the presentation of the 10 slides that inspire me on Friday night at the Art Center was an interesting test of timing. The shows were pre-timed so that we had exactly 30 seconds to talk about each one--no more, no less. Loved the challenge!

Here are several more inspirations I shared. If you're good enough to leave a comment, tell me three things that inspire you--could be people, actions, places, ideas--anything!

Remember Bob Ross, the wet-on-wet oil painter from PBS? What an inspiration he was for me as a young artist. To this day, I'm not sure how much of my love for him was the painting and how much was the calm, soothing voice of caring in his narration of the process.

When I had the opportunity to meet him after a painting demonstration in Charlotte, he remarked in that same genuine kindness how nice it was for him to meet young painters. Bob stayed until he had spoken personally with each and every one of the people who stayed to meet him. Bob died of cancer in his mid 50's. I never knew he was sick until I heard he passed away.

This photograph courtesy of Getty Images was taken of slums in India. It's inspiring for me because it reminds me that I'm a minority in this world--I don't live in poverty. It's easy to take green space, food, resources for granted when you've been surrounded by them during every part of your life.  Keeping this image in mind reminds me to be grateful for this rare abundance. I think about this a lot and hope I give back enough to earn the privileged place I hold. I am so thankful for what I have...and for what I do not have to worry about on a daily basis.

Photography inspires me. I took this image at Hillsborough River State Park, surrounded by infinite details of color, light and texture in a backdrop of green. Photography makes me slow down and take note of the little things, the beauty we often walk past. I used to be the program director of a nature center and it drove me crazy to hear people coming back from their walks, talking about how "we didn't seen anything." They were hoping for an otter or a bobcat and didn't notice the abundance of beauty all around them. So sad. I love that taking pictures keeps me focused on the extraordinary in the ordinary. It's there for all of us.


ballast photography said...

Let's see...

My Grandfather...whenever I become too worried that getting old might mean becoming out of touch or boring I remember my grandfather's adventures: trips out west, trying new recipes, art classes, and embracing new technology. He passed away in 2001, but that doesn't keep him from being my role model.

A good read...books never cease to inspire me.

Art...colors, shapes, lines, and the endless ways people find to put them together.

Thanks for making me think--and smile, remembering these things :)

Anonymous said...

Inspiring things:

1. People with open hearts and minds who take risks and don't fear failure.

2. Creativity. Whether in music, art, writing, human discourse. Something new. Something fresh. Something unthunk before.

3. Caring.

M L Jassy said...

I'm inspired by my parents who are doing a fantastic job as grandparents: they are living proof that humans were meant to live in tribes.

I'm inspired by my boss who has 'the skin of a rhino'. I'm inspired by the germination and sprouting of seeds. It's the simpler sciences that move me.

Brian Weiner said...

1. The amazing renewal that comes with a brand new day. No matter how awful, or how stressful, or how terribly disappointing the day just past may have been, we are blessed with a new day to try again. I think that's why I have always wanted to be up before the sun rises.

2. As incredible as it sounds, loss and failure are vital parts of the human cycle. Without them, it would be easy to become cynical about the things that matter. The occasional loss, disappointment...even tragic moment...serve to refocus us to love and appreciate that which we have.

3. Family. As someone who essentially grew up as an "island" in life, family in all its imperfection is the greatest gift of all...and one for which I am especially grateful.

Poindexter said...

I love the 3 images you shared - just underscores what a grounded individual you are. I admire your perspective!

I am inspired by brilliant ideas, compassion, and the gifts of nature.

Unknown said...

How beautiful and yes, all very inspirational! :o)

SuziCate said...

Nature, music, words...but not necessarily in that order.

Marvin said...

Holy crap, I was channeling you without even reading your post. I was talking about Bob over on Mitzi's blog, in response to her talking about whatsisname in Australia. What a hoot! I miss Bob. He was so soothing. Annoying, when he'd ruin a perfectly good painting with one more tree or rock or house, but soothing all the same.