Thursday, June 3, 2010

Did I Ever Do Anything So Stupid?

Probably. And thankfully, I erased it from my immediately accessible memory.

Teenagers: they are treasures but do the dumbest crap just to impress their peers. I remember feeling my own obnoxiousness when I was that age and hated it--especially in the younger teen years. I didn't enjoy middle school or much about my part in the whole spectacle of it.

I laughed hysterically when a sweet co-worker emerged from her computer this Tuesday morning to tell me about the misgiving of supervising her young teen and 3 of her closest friends for 20 hours over the Memorial Day weekend.

One of the girls--thankfully not hers--has a reputation for "acting like a dork," a behavior that is evidently magnified when she's around more than a couple of people.

This time, co-worker walked out the back door to find her tied around a thick tree trunk with the other 3 girls pouring soda and emptying Pixi Sticks on her to "see if she would attract ants."

Nice one.

Isn't it easy to laugh at someone else's kids? 

What stupid things did you do for attention at that age?  Do tell, as they say in the South.


Leah said...

Hahaha! That girl is really something. Did I ever do anything stupid? I did... I told my boy classmates that I know karate and judo... I wanted to be one of the boys but since we were all kids, one of the boys challenged me to a match. Gosh, I didn't know anything about karate and judo. I told that boy to be ready the next day. I did not go to school the next day, I told them I was sick. :-)

Marvin said...

I never did anything like that to anyone else. I got beaten up regularly, but that was all. I learned to fight, and then the beatings stopped.

Menopausal New Mom said...

Oh boy where do I start? Okay, how about dying my hair green back in 1980 when it was "cool" and outrageous, how about wearing a huge silver safety pin in one ear before it became the norm. How about wearing a 3-row spiked dog collar back then in the stoneage and best of all, my vintage 1950's wrap around plastic sunglasses :)

ballast photography said...

So I jumped right on over after I read your comment and learned you blogged today about Pixie Stix, too...what are the odds?? How funny!

I have a mental picture of the event you described, and I suspect the reality was even crazier. I've seen a lot of stuff, particularly during the years I was a youth minister...boys in skirts, large bonfires, some involving canned soda and lawn chairs, flammables stashed in a gas stove that happened to be are pretty exciting :)

Brian Weiner said...

My life has been an endless chronicle of stupid moments that have been branded, or just plain scarred, into my soul. Among but a few of the beauties:
1. Deciding I could build a "bicycle jump", much like Evil Kanevil and the famous Caesars Fountain jump. Ended up in pretty much the same final position, busted to pieces with a full on concussion and a week in the hospital.
2. Somehow thinking it would be fun to let my best friend shoot an apple off my head with (thank God) a wooden arrow. Found my eye and not the apple. Lucky to not be blind.
3. More adolescent criminal pranks than I care to admit to in writing, all of which I was miraculously able to avoid going to the pokey for, mostly by sheer luck...never by my own devices.
4. Making the decision to end a number of relationships...especially as a teenager...that I wish I had handled differently. God got me back: Three beautiful daughters and too many boyfriends calling on them.
5. Allowing my mother to convince me to go to college at Syracuse, when I was offered a full ride at two other colleges. Syracuse and I lasted a year, and I never got the education I deserved. The moral: Mother isn't the best academic counselor!

Through it all, I am blessed for the life I have been given and for the purpose I find in each day. The road is often bumpy, frequented by bad turns, but you always seem to end up where you are destined to be.

Julia, the Thanksgiving Girl said...

Hahaha, I never really enjoyed school either!! I kind of always was a bit ahead of time and were growing up faster than most of my peers so I was often considered weird for looking down on them and not being interested in teh same things they were... As for the stupids things, I believe I've done a lot but somehow can't think of anything right about now! My memory tends to put the things I don't need/want to remember to the very back of my mind, so it's not too surprising haha

What are YOU thankful for? Come share a story and win a little thankful something!

25BAR said...

Kids do the darnest things!

Anonymous said...

Crazy. My friends neighbor (teenage boy) put on the dog collar for the wirless fence and then crossed to see if it would hurt when it went off. Guess hurt!

Erica@PLRH said...

I plead the 5th. But i agree that I really didn't like junior high.

Maureen@IslandRoar said...

Who, me?? I NEVER did anything stupid. Ever. I swear...

M L Jassy said...

I had a loud, mad friend who was always singing - she had a beautiful voice and never tired of showing it off. This didn't make her frequent, random singing less embarrassing. So I would join in and harmonise (badly) to deflect attention, although this often had the opposite effect.

nursemyra said...

I escaped from boarding school with another girl, we hitched a ride into town and were drinking beer with some boys when the police turned up and escorted us back to school. In retrospect I'm glad they did - I can see it was an incredibly stupid and dangerous thing to have done. But at the time I thought I was being such a cool rebel.