Friday, September 11, 2009

Please, let the good inner dialogue conquer all.

Good Gropius: I am so grateful to have all of the things I have in my life, like a job and all of the millions of commitments in my weekly life.

Bad Gropius: Dude. I'm totally ready for a change--like, I've had it up to here. And "here" is 4,562 feet up in the air. I am SO over it.

Good Gropius: It's so nice to see everyone getting a chance, even when I'm completely getting a reeking end of the stick.

Bad Gropius: What the f is going on here? It's completely not fair that this is happening. Good Gropius, you're a complete idiot for putting up with it.

Good: Truly, it's wonderful to see the beautiful rain returning to the earth to restore the balance of water for our living creatures.

Bad: Is it really going to rain the whole damn weekend? I spent the last 5 days inside, slaving away, and now that I can enjoy the great outdoors, look at what happens.

Good: Things may seem super annoying now, but it's all part of the plan. Just relax and know that everything happens for a reason.

Bad: Are you freaking serious, Good Gropius? Get a life.


HeatherPride said...

Heh - love that last one! I tell myself to get a life all the time!

bernthis said...

you have literally read my mind. I have that same battle in my mind daily

Erica@PLRH said...

Do I dare tell you that Mercury is in retrograde again?