Wednesday, September 16, 2009

How 'bout another day? Thank you, Breakfast Club, for the prep.

Remember that scene from the Breakfast Club, where Bender continued to commit himself to extra Saturdays in detention, all because he kept adding the last word? If you need a little refreshing, you'll find it in the last few moments of the clip below (skip ahead to the 3:30 point, or while you're looking, enjoy the entire piece for great memories of these poor incarcerated rebels).

Why am I sharing? The scene played itself out once again in our house this morning. It's so easy to get worked up, isn't it? Sometimes you just want to win the tween-parent argument.

Me: "Please just do what your father said. And please don't cop an attitude, or you'll be grounded. I'm tired of the attitude."

Tweenager: "But! This is STUPID. I don't want to do it."

Me: "Okay, so you're grounded this afternoon."

Tweenager: "Lkjoiuaseroncoisueroijsen!" (or a similar crazy mumbling)

Me: "So now you'll be grounded tomorrow afternoon too."

Tweenager: "I didn't DO ANYTHING. Ghhhaaaaad."

Me: "Om. Do you want to add on another day?"


Erica@PLRH said...

Sounds very similar to my childhood.

It must have been the red hair.

Anonymous said...

Give it some time and I bet we see a blog reminding us of another classic "Ferris Bueller"