Saturday, July 25, 2009

A Very Special Crappy Surprise

Ever seen the '80's movie "The Three Amigoes" with Chevy Chase, Martin Short and Steve Martin? A cute flick that will make you giggle, although it's a little stupid.

The one line that keeps coming to mind today is a rip off from the film: "You scum sucking pigs! You sons of a motherless goat!" Go ahead, say it to yourself, but with conviction and with drama. I know you can do it.

Now these are the words I have for the creator of the very crappy surprise I experienced today. The first day of my vacation, I just had a few things to do online--things that might take, say, an hour. But, nooooo, no sir. I turned on my sweet HP to discover that the malicious mother of all malwares had been installed. As a consequence, I spent all day living through the drama of getting my life back on line. Frustrating. Expensive. And quite maddening, even for a girl who's feeling excited and liberated in light of her upcoming week off.

I just have one word for the malware creators of this world (other than "scum sucking pigs" and "sons of motherless goats"): karma, baby, karma.
Computer karma is no different than any other karma. You make people's lives hell, and there shall be hell to pay. The great part is, I don't have to do anything about it. It's the law of the world. So long, malware poopers. You'll be roaches in the next life.


Anonymous said...

So sorry for your crapisode, Gropy. I hope this is the end of all bad vibes and the remainder of your vacation is pure bliss. rl

Brian Weiner said...

I have two words for you: Apple Macintosh.

No viruses, no malware, no hassles, no headaches. It was an experience like your HP and me moment that moved me to buy my first Mac. Now I have four...and my whole company is on Mac's.

Erica@PLRH said...

Where exactly did you pick up the nasty bug, hmmm?

Mixed Reflections said...

My next computer will be an Apple for sure. And actually, I was fishing for some good social media research on arts orgs when this headache first emerged. Scary. I feel protected now--the boys at We Fix Computers straightened it out for me. Sometimes I wonder if they help pay the malware creators to keep employed...?