Sunday, October 31, 2010

I'm Doing it Again

I'm participating in National Blog Posting Month, NaBloPoMo, once again. This means I'll be posting everyday in the month of November. There's no theme for this month, you just have to be diligent and consistent in getting something up for 30 days in a row.

Why? I guess I have been slacking lately on the blog, mostly because too much is going in my brain that might get me into some trouble if I chronicled it online. (You never know about the distinguished reader who knows who you are and is waiting to get some shite' on you.)

I figure that a challenge is always good as a motivator for me. I don't like to cave in, so this should get me moving again.

If you're thinking, "Hmm...I'll check you in December," that's okay. But I'd love for you to come along. I'll try to make most posts short enough to take no more than a couple of minutes. (Suuure Gropius, short?) And I'll try to make the posts interesting enough so that it doesn't appear I'm trying to suck your time away only so I can fulfill the NaBloPoMo demands.

I'm not expecting to move any thought-mountains with the November posts, though I do have some heavy concerns that I'd love to get your perspective on. And of course, you can be sure to find a few--just a few-- Posts of the Pointless Kind so I can make it. 

Hey--thanks for reading.  Hope your Halloween is safe, wild in any way you'd like it to be, and full of those 2-3 types of candies of which you're most fond.


nursemyra said...

looking forward to the dailies

Marvin said...

Oooo, exciting! I'm looking forward to it.

This week I'm teaching a hell-class in Battle Creek MI. We'll see how coherent I am by the end of the week.

I hope you had a wonderful Halloween!

M L Jassy said...

Bring on the na na naaa na na naaa Nanaimo I mean Nanoblomo nanno? No? I wonder what the theme will be. Perhaps I shall take part.

Erica@PLRH said...

I'm doing it too and even offering a prize at the end of the month.