Sunday, August 1, 2010

Unplugged and Sandy

I opted for the 100% unplugged option over the last 8 days. I even forbid Husband from using the GPS on his phone. The trip to the North Carolina shore was everything I hoped it would be, and I didn't regret being without my laptop. But thirty minutes after arriving home from 13 hours in the car traversing your garden variety of interstates, plus three beautiful hours riding through tobacco and corn fields in eastern NC, here I am blogging.

I thought about you and missed reading your blogs...

Mitzi, I have a great John Irving book for you. I was finally able to finish devouring it while rocking on the porch. Marvin, saw some cool old guns from the Civil War and of course thought of you. Cynthia, I'm soooo excited about the seahorses and thought about you during our trip to the NC Aquarium where we checked out some live ones. Pine Lakes Redhead, there was a beautiful quilt on display in the Core Sound Museum; each square featured a historical piece of one of the tiny communities that dot the far eastern edges of North Carolina. Photo coming soon.

So many of you popped into my head! Nurse Myra--is your vacation from a few weeks ago still sticking with you, or are you back into life as you know it? I always hate to see how quickly traveling days slip away.

Here are a few of my favorite images of Atlantic Beach, North Carolina--my "grandmother's beach," from last week's post.



nursemyra said...

I still feel relaxed after my holiday - and that's very unusual as I've been home for nearly a month....

Erica@PLRH said...

Welcome back! I hope you're well rested.

I love the photos of the sand dunes. The dunes are so beautiful. I look forward to more great photos including the quilt.

SuziCate said...

Lovely phots. I love the white sand and the shells....I missed the shells when we went to Tangier!

Marvin said...

Thanks for taking us to the beach with you, in your thoughts! Such lovely photos - you are an excellent photographer. It's nice to see a different sort of beach than the one I usually see. The sand there looks like snow! There is SUCH wonderful Civil War history in that area, too. Very little of it in the jungle, sadly - it's too far south, and was too uninhabitable back in the day.

I'm glad you're back!

Julia, the Thanksgiving Girl said...

The sand in those pictures looks heavenly!!! Welcome back, sweety, and I am so glad to hear your vacation was everything you hoped it would!! How's D-Man? Did HE like it? :)

Poindexter said...

I just adore your pictures! If I put my coffee cup up to my ear, I can almost hear the ocean. (pitiful). Something about being near the shore just seems to make all the cares in the world slide away. Must have been fabulous. Would love to see more pics.

Liz Mays said...

Last time I was down there, we went to the North Carolina aquarium as well. I really enjoyed it, so serene in there.

I will be about 1 hour from the coast when I move there.

Unplugging is hard at first, but it's also very freeing!

Mr. Charleston said...

Beautiful photos. Looks like a pretty stiff breeze, the surf's up.

I feel for you on the drive, I-95 through the Carolinas is as bad as it gets, especially the S.C. stretch before Savannah. Ouch!

KB said...
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KB said...

Glad you had a wonderful time. Thanks for the great pictures. You have a wonderful knack for picking out meaningful shots. Looking at these pictures I feel as though I am there.

ballast photography said...

I love your pictures! From context clues, I think you were just a couple hours from me :)

I, too, find myself thinking about my blog friends when I am going about my "real" life...funny how thing blogging thing connects us to people we'd never know otherwise.

So glad you enjoyed the aquarium and got to see some real seahorses!