Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Fishing AGAIN? Agh!!!!!

So yes, I am totally glad that Husband and all the men in my family aren't obsessed with hookers or something; they're obsessed with fishing. Looking at it from that angle, it's cool.

Looking at it from the "if I could have married fishing, I would have" angle, also known as the "I would rather be fishing than doing anything else ever at any time" angle, it can be a little aggravating for those of us who don't frame our existence around it.  Basically, it goes like this:
Fishing is the central theme--goal--activity--conversation highlight of almost all family gatherings involving Husband, Brother, Father, D-man, In-law men.
If you end up doing something else on the weekend, there's always the underlying knowledge that it doesn't quite compare to any possible apex of intrigue that could result from the act of fishing.
Fishing tv shows--in which you actually watch other people float on boats, cast and occasionally reel in fish ON TELEVISION--is a frequent form of "entertainment" in my living room.
If any of them undertake a fishing trip and catch nothing, they come home quietly, pressed into silent annoyance that the Gods of the sea weren't listening. You're destined for an afternoon of Bad Mood Billy.

I feel like the lady in this commercial, and like her, I'm at the losing end of the proposition. Fishing will always win.


Marvin said...

I agree, fishing is sooo lame, it's not worthy making it the end-all be-all raison d'etre. But shooting, now THAT'S worthy. While they're all out fishing, let's go to the range!

Gina said...

lol awe man, i don't know if i could handle that... :)
but it could be worse... it could be VIDEO GAMES that they're addicted to.

M L Jassy said...

Hopefully there are some Hemingway fans among your posse of addicted Anglers. On the bright side, you may get fresh dinner out of your posse's pastime.

Kate said...

Have you heard this one...

Erica@PLRH said...

Try alternating fishing shows with the Golf Channel. Ugh! And people wonder why I read so much.

Julia, the Thanksgiving Girl said...

LOL You make it sound kind of funny, but I bet a lot of times it's not so funny for you. "...it doesn't quite compare to any possible apex of intrigue that could result from the act of fishing" is my favorite line :)

Mr. Charleston said...

Alright ladies, don't make me say anything about hobbies like shopping!

Unknown said...

I loooove fishing. I have an Ugly Stik fishing rod! LMAO! I loved this post though... I could NEVER watch it on TV. That's like... watching someone ELSE eat a turkey dinner, and not getting to have any. Not gonna happen. lol

nursemyra said...

but think of all the time it gives you for "me" stuff