Thursday, August 5, 2010

Anonymous posters, how I love thee.

Dear Anonymous:

I am excessively polite to people at work and I generally try to be that way in life too. But I don't have to take any doodoo on my blog--especially when anonymous posters are concerned.

Now in the last post, you weren't disgustingly out of control, but you weren't particularly polite either. Or astute. I don't recognize you as a regular reader. And if you...
a. Don't have the intelligence to figure out how to post your name, or don't have the balls to identify yourself,
          b. Have nothing decent to say, and
          c. Correct my spelling and then move on to make a spelling mistake yourself in the comment

My message to you is:
Thanks for the comedy, Einstein. And please, bite me.

See, Gropius loves to receive constructive information from folks who have something interesting or informative to share, but your obnoxiousness supersedes any bit of smarts you might be hiding in there.

And if only you would dish out your contact info like everyone else, I could cheer you on during your next spelling bee for grown-ups. Here's a digital silver star for you! Wooo hooooo, Anonymous!!!!!!


M L Jassy said...

See, there I was thinking I had crossed an etiquette line by commenting on the widely (surely) acknowledgeable hotness of your other half (photographed for our collective admiration), but any potential line-crossing was superceded by the oddly bold newcomer. So I'm all for the inventing of new words, and I reckon that anyone as polite as your Gropi self in response to crapnonymous "doodoo" should be described as "gropious" - as pious and kind as Gropius(vsEddie).

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, I bested you again. You failed to understand the since of humour with the spelling of "cumulOUS" and "cumulUS" and it's relationship with "gropiOUS" and "gropiUS"

Uncommon Blonde said...

Ok so your comment made me immediately click over to see what you were talking about - oh my! I think Anonymous will think twice before trying to "educate" again. If that was left by someone with their name it might have been taken in a whole different context, but anonymously it's just rude.

Erica@PLRH said...

Gropy - you sure do know how to attract them and handle them! How come I never get obnoxious anonymous posters?

Marvin said...

IIIII always let you know who I am. ;-) I'm sorry you're having to deal with anonymous nitwits. You could turn off Allow Anonymous Posting. I didn't, because some of my friends are too lazy to log in, so I let them be anonymous. They know that I know who they are.

You're an awesome writer and an awesome blog-buddy. In case you didn't know.

Maureen@IslandRoar said...

You go girl!

Mr. Charleston said...

Whoa! You go girl. Hope you never get mad at me.

I agree completely. Anyone who doesn't have an ID or a link to follow is a coward.

SuziCate said...

ditto, PLRH! You go, girl!