Friday, July 30, 2010

The Horror in Your Head

I can't consume print or television media with too much infusion of blood and guts.

For one, there are pretty terrible things actually happening in the world. I find it interesting that so much of our population is entertained by fictional shooting, hacking and violence.  Aside from that, I have trouble getting strong visuals out of my thoughts.

Husband can watch a gorey film or documentary and get it out of sight and mind fairly quickly, or so he says. I still think it processes in his subconscious and lingers as all things really do in the human brain.

Despite how well you might process a story filled with the most terrifying of circumstances--however fictional--it's a little unsettling to know that somewhere a living man or woman contrived the story and its details. How does Stephen King sleep with himself on any given night?  What on this green earth is living in his head to weave this stuff together?

[Shudder from Gropius.]

Every now and then, I have a horrible dream of the most colorful and detailed plot and imagery. Where did it come from? Is it a remnant from something I watched in a film? Just a creative manifestation of something I'm trying to work out subconciously? I always wake up from these dreams feeling more frightened that my mind was capable of coming up with such a thing than I was of the dream itself.

There's a dark side to human nature, no doubt. I don't know where it comes from.

Speaking just for myself, I know I'm best off trying to keep good company, seek good in circumstances and minimizing exposure to unnecessary violence-- even if it's coming from an indirect experience of media. It's not always possible, but that's the goal.


Liz Mays said...

I do have some pretty weird and colorful nighttime dreams. I hope we're all not just a dream away from being a serial killer! LOL

Poindexter said...

I'm with you on that sentiment. Life is too short to pile on the drama and woe; already gone through enough. I think I'll take a second helping of happiness and serenity and offer a humble prayer of thanks.

Gina said...

Stephen King weirds me out...

Marvin said...

I totally agree. For a writer of a book or television show or movie to concoct something horrific (a.) is an indictment of that writer's thoughts and personality, (b.) incites creeps to copycat the idea, and (c.) pollutes and desensitizes our culture to real horrors.

That said, I can't wait to see "The Expendables." ;-)

ballast photography said...

Aside from the issues you outlined here, I have to add that the shoot-em-up scenes from any movie are so incredibly boring, I instantly fall asleep as soon as the shells start flying. I mean, really, a half hour scene where nothing happens but a lot of running around blowing things up? Wake me up when the plot resumes...

The only thing I've read of Stephen King's was his memoir On Writing, which I have to say was excellent...but that does not mean I'll be reading the rest of his books. I suspect I'd fall asleep. A lot.

Erica@PLRH said...

I've always wondered who Stephen King's WIFE sleeps with him every night!

M L Jassy said...

I don't enjoy reaading/watching horror, but I do get a horrified thrill out of ghost stories and creepy shit that freaks me out. We are such a dark species, you're right - I'm going to head out into the sunshine right now and leave the horror, fictional or otherwise, behind.

Anonymous said...

I have some very odd dreams. Some I don't even want to know where they come from. Amazing what the human mind can do.

nursemyra said...

I have nightmares far more often than good dreams. Last night I was being mauled by a brown bear..... :-(

Kate said...

I just stumbled across your blog. I love it! I'm going to poke around, I promise to put everything back where I found it!

SuziCate said...

I hate nighmares!