Sunday, July 11, 2010

Pigging out on Weird

Neighbor likes pigs. And she collects pigs. So when a couple of peeps and I were scanning some pretty bizarre things in Palmetto antique stores on Saturday, I found these and quite naturally had to purchase them for my neighbor:

Neighbor has some kiddies at home, so she may have to store these in a special location. Or explain the facts of life using this relic from...when? I'm not sure how old they actually are.

You know, "antique" stores seem to be most accurately described as "junk and old crap cleaned out of dead people's apartments" stores. Wait, "SCARY junk and old crap cleaned out of dead people's apartments" stores.

Check this out:

Ah yes, there was lots more weird where that came from. 

We perused shelves laced with items like a porcelain statue of what looked like a two-headed cat, an autographed and framed mini-poster of Wayne Newton, several JFK busts, a giant decapitated baby doll head, a wooden doorstop(?) shaped like a woman with hooves for breasts, countless paintings that looked like creations of a half-third grade artist/half-Stephen King hybrid, figurines of the ugliest dogs, cows and dancing clowns you can imagine, etc., etc.

For my untrained antique eye, the before metioned items were comical to spot along the junk-filled cubicles of beat up furniture and stands. To someone who knows what he or she is doing, there could have been a gold mine there.

However you look at it, the trip was most amusing and we had a blast. I hope the shopkeepers didn't find us too obnoxious as rings of laughter lifted from the most hidden nooks and crannies to the front of the store.


Gina said...

LoL those pigs are hilarious! I love antique store shopping!
You never know what you're going to find. It's fun to rummage through all the junk, and I find that if I step back and notice what the jink is sitting on... It's usually an amazing old desk or dresser that's also for sale! Looks like y'all had fun. :)

Menopausal New Mom said...

I think I would have been laughing out loud too! I love those pigs, what a riot!

Uncommon Blonde said...

Oh wow, those are insane. I don't have the eye for antiquing. I prefer to buy faux antiques from Pottery Barn - terrible, I know.

Liz Mays said...

Those pigs, I can't even believe them!

Mr. Charleston said...

I know that somewhere in the Sarasota area there is a giant antique store filled with stuff from circus people. It would be the coolest store ever. Or, perhaps it's filtering out into the markets like the one you visited.

Anonymous said...

LOVE the pigs!!!

M L Jassy said...

That is so not kosher. I also like pseduo-antique stores, and flea markets that I enjoy calling "trash and treasure": these shops are excellent for buying children's books that are in not-too-wrecked condition.

Julia, the Thanksgiving Girl said...

Ha, definately sounds like an amusing trip!! I hope your neighbor likes the pigs and finds a good shelf place for them!!

Erica@PLRH said...

The pigs are too funny!

Marvin said...

Gah! Mannequins!!!! Gurkkkkk...

ballast photography said...

I just love kicking around places like that. It can provide endless material and every now and then a real treasure, too.

btw- Just in case you missed the email--your seahorses are done!!

SuziCate said...

Now, that sounds like a fun outing!

nursemyra said...

I love rootling around in second hand stores. Those pigs are a hoot