Wednesday, July 14, 2010

We Can't Like ALL The Same Things

A few minutes ago, we were both somewhat excited to see that Mr. Mom is on one of our movie stations.

It's been a while since we've enjoyed the flick. Perhaps we've never actually seen it together. That movie is ten days older than water, but Michael Keaton rocked it--totally. The "you're doing it wrong" scene where Keaton is dropping the kids off at the school going in the opposite direction of the organized flow is a classic for sure. And Husband can identify, having been a single dad.

Husband and I are approaching our sixth wedding anniversary and our tenth year together. We don't like all of the same things...okay we don't like many of the same things.  That's the spice of life, though, right?  It keeps things exciting.

Husband loves beer. I'm a mixed drink girl, if and when I have a drink, which is seldom.

He's got a heart for things on television like UFC (stupid looking men fighting in a ring), reality shows where people are jumping onto tiny platforms surrounded by water and getting unexpectedly hit by punching bags, and commercials for beef jerky.

I like Jeopardy and Pepsi Refresh commercials. We can both agree on nature shows, some documentaries, Modern Family, and of course the Office.

He would love for me to once, just once, enter an adult store. I would love for him to once, just once, follow me into Ann Taylor and pretend to enjoy it.

Husband can hang out for hours at the neighbor's man cave after work. I can spend hours on the laptop--after spending half or more of my day on the computer at work when meetings aren't heavy.

He doesn't "get" spending more than $100 a night on a place to sleep when we're out of town. (Thank goodness he never wins that one.) I don't get what the hell you do with more than one fishing pole...okay more than three fishing poles, for God's sake.

He busts out with a wife beater tank top every now and then. I threaten him. "If you ever go anywhere wearing that disgusting hick-fest of a half-shirt--other than the man cave--I can't claim to know you."

And there are other differences. Plenty of them.

But at the end of the day, we can both quote Mr. Mom more than we'd like to admit (although different parts), and Husband is a damn good dad. I'm glad he's The Husb.


Anonymous said...

And he should be DAMN glad that you're his wife, Gropy ; and a darn good mother. Vive la difference! RL

Poindexter said...

220, 221 whatever it takes.
Mr. Mom is a total classic!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE Mr. Mom too. Watched it not too long ago.

AiringMyLaundry said...

Oo I saw that movie years ago. I remember how the mom was out to dinner and she started cutting the man's meat! I'd do something like that since I'm so used to cutting people's food.

Anonymous said...

Men and women are entirely too different. Ha.

I would say that my husband and I don't like to watch the same thing on TV. We can agree on 10%.

Mr. Mom is TWENTY SEVEN years old. I am thinking that is older than you. I remember when it came out. When the commercial came on I said, "How old do you think that is? It has to be about 25 years old." He guessed 15. Neither of us were correct.

nursemyra said...

you guys like watching commercials??

Erica@PLRH said...

Life would be boring if we liked that same things. You guys have a great balance!

Marvin said...

I have never seen that movie. I will have to see if Netflix has it. Michael Keaton, right? Hilarious. He'll always be Beetlejuice.

Men are irritating just so women have something to complain about. It's not like we TRY to be irritating. We just ARE. It is the essence of maleness to be irritating to a woman. How's that for this morning's irritatingly sexist comment? ;-)

Liz Mays said...

I really loved that movie and I loved Michael Keaton. I wish he'd act more often!

I think it's great that you and the hubs have that common ground.

Jessica Bern said...

that's love! I look forward to the day I can say that at the end of the day, that despite all our differences, "I love this guy".

Unknown said...

I LOVE that movie! I haven't seen it in forever... might have to find it one of these days and give it a watch. :o)

You and Mr. Gropius sound so cute. :oD