Monday, September 22, 2008

Word to the Wise, Snappy People: Bite Me

I don't know about you, but I've had enough of smart alecks for the week and it's only Monday. The people in this category include...(all of whom I've encountered recently):
  • Folks who get nasty and snippity when they owe you information and don't want to give it to you.
  • Elevated egos who are too busy with their all-importance to take stock of the fact that there are others who are living and breathing on the same planet.
  • Elevated egos who believe, although there may be others living and breathing on the same planet, that their air is better than yours and therefore they deserve your attention before anything else that may be important to you.
  • Angry nurses who don't want to do their jobs and who treat their helpless patients like the doo-doo on the shoe of a slug.
  • People who issue quick-tempered responses and blame it on a headache, a period, a bad phone call and any other number of excuses.
If you're feeling a little snappy, go talk to your cat instead. Or bite me.


Anonymous said...

Hey Girl what's up with all that nasty egoic behavior? Time to hand out chill pills or maybe some St Johns Wart. Or maybe we need to start praying for them :)
I told you everyone needs a walmart Buddha. Hope tomorrow is a better day.

Uncommon Blonde said...

I second all of that! I get a lot of those people who believe I need to drop everything and do their bidding. yuck!!

gigi said...

Give them a hug instead and get them off balance!!!