Wednesday, December 8, 2010

I'd Like My Neighbors To Enjoy Being Outside Overnight in 32 Degrees

Maybe then they would have a greater understanding of how their dogs felt last night.

You screw with animals, and you're not really on my good side.

Around 4 am this morning, I heard a number of dogs barking on our street--dogs who had been left outdoors in the freezing temperatures we're experiencing here. In addition to being awake for quite a while after a very long work day yesterday, I can't sleep and am outraged at this irresponsibility.

Dogs are not objects. They deserve to be nurtured and taken care of. If you can't do it, don't own a dog. Don't "try it" and give the dog up if you can't handle it. Don't even make that decision to go there by getting one in the first place.

I called the police twice in the last two hours. When they arrived on the street, three of the barking dogs were just walking around the street.

I understand these things happen. Accidents occur. Dogs go under fences or escape through unsecured doors. But really? On a night when it's freezing here in Florida?

I know one household to which a barker from this long early morning belongs. The dog has been a wanderer for quite some time and is frequently found taking its morning constitutional in our backyard. I feel terrible for the dog--it's old and not well cared for. The problem is, the alternative is death in the pound. They don't go to great lengths to adopt old dogs out. They get euthanized.

I believe these neighbors have had difficult financial circumstances, but I'm so disappointed that they aren't doing what's best for their pet--or the neighborhood. And they're going to get a knock on the door from me when I get home this afternoon.


SuziCate said...

I don't get people. My dogs have always been members of them family and are even a bit more spoiled! I'd be angry, too, if my neighbors left their dogs out in the cold weather! Let us know how your visit with the neighbors goes.

Mr. Charleston said...

Can't wait for the follow-up. I want to hear every detail of your conversation with the neighbors.

BTW... c'on now. 32 degrees in South Florida? Ahem.

Audubon Ron said...

I'm with you on that one.

Julia, the Thanksgiving Girl said...

Poor dogs! Especially being Foridian dogs, I bet they're not used to it!

Erica@PLRH said...

You go, girl! Someone needs to speak up for the frozen pups. Obviously, the owners don't care as much as you do. Thank goodness Flanders has her snuggie.

nursemyra said...

Maybe you'd better take someone with you when you do the door knocking....

Liz Mays said...

You'd think that they'd realize the dogs are barking for a reason. It's infuriating, I know.