Monday, December 6, 2010

I Do Eat Eggs

I've been a vegetarian for 17 years, but I do eat eggs, organic and free range. Those chickens were treated well, and the eggs themselves are unfertilized non-beings that will never be on the way to freedom from the shell. At least I thought so.


Fragrant Liar said...

I just turned vegetarian. It's HARD! I am maybe not as committed to it as I need to be, but I'm making the effort. I am eating eggs, but little else. How do you do it!?

nursemyra said...

I'll never look at eggs the same way again

M L Jassy said...

Am having trouble with internet connec due to overcast weather, thunderstorms etc, so will watch egg movie later ... meanwhile, my free range friends from down the road say "cluck cluck" and hi.

Erica@PLRH said...

Great. Another thing to feel guilty about.

Marvin said...

I will make a point of eating the meat that you don't, so it doesn't go to waste. ;-)

I like eggs. It's funny how people see the "vegetarian" label on a package of eggs, and think it means "free range" - but it doesn't.

Liz Mays said...

She was really giving those eggs the smack down on the edge of the stove!

hubby said...

Why do all the eggs have to be white. That clip is so one-sided

ballast photography said...

Ha! I am no friend of the meats, although I do eat fresh, white meat chicken as long as I don't think about it too much. And I love eggs...but now I'll just have to keep reminding myself that this movie was a work of fiction!

Mixed Reflections said...

It's true Marvin. Thankfully, Husband and I make sure we purchase the eggs that are both free range and grain fed with no animal by-products. Now aren't you relieved?

Audubon Ron said...

I didn't realize chicken embryos was a vegetable. But, what do I know.

Julia, the Thanksgiving Girl said...

LOL, this is terrible