Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Fear of Heights

I've never been too crazy about heights, and thanks to my father's forwarded e-mail, I was about to have a heart attack in the comfort of my own home as I contemplated THIS job:


injaynesworld said...

Just the thought of climbing that tower makes me want to upchuck. I'm with you, sister.

Erica@PLRH said...

Um... yea... no thanks.

Besides, what do you do if you forget something?

Audubon Ron said...

Couldn't see the vid. Something about copyright.

Marvin said...

I don't mind heights, as long as I'm tethered. I would be more worried about lightning than anything else.

Liz Mays said...

Absolutely no way.

Mr. Charleston said...

Yes, I've seen this. Just the video makes my heart jump to my throat.

I was once paid $50 to go 500' up a TV tower to change a light bulb. (married student who needed the money) Even though I was in a small elevator in the center of the tower, by the time it reached 500' I needed Depends.

Anonymous said...

When I think of all the wimpy tourist towers I've paid good money to ascend I get really po'd to think these guys are getting paid to go up a really cool tower.

I'll bet if I took you up there and coaxed you into stopping on the way, thinking about how stable that tower is, and then enjoying the view, we'd get you over your acrophopia in no time. You'd be ready for Circe de Solie.

Ghengis Khan with all his riches never had an opportunity like this. He would have practically died for it.

Notary Sojac til we climb again,

Smokey Stover