Wednesday, January 19, 2011

10 Things That Make Me Want to Crawl in a Hole

No, no of course I'm not complaining. I'm getting it out, trying to make myself laugh, failing at convincing myself it's really just funny and not something to get all tight about.

But what the hell? Here are 10 things that make me want to crawl in a hole:
  1. People who throw cigarette butts out the car window.
  2. Diet sodas. Let's face it, they taste like shit. If you're going there, just have a water for Christ's sake.
  3. Tattle tales. It's true, they even exist as adults. These are people who are usually not super good at what they do and they sit back waiting for you to make a mistake and take note of it. Really? Oh yeah. Really. They're out there.
  4. Fur coats or clothing. I'm a little confused about the resurgence of fur. I thought this whole bit of nonsense was in the past. Primarily, I think it's a terrible and immoral practice. Secondarily, it's just ugly. It belongs on an animal, where it's cute and fluffy.
  5. That Pierce dude who's taking over Larry King's show. Larry King too. It's different things about them that I find annoying. Arrogance, mainly, but in different ways.
  6. Send Out Cards. I will risk really offending someone with this, so I'm sorry in advance. But I like the look and feel of a card you've addressed and signed with your own two hands. I like writing them and I like receiving them. And this makes me like an old fashioned Gramma, I know.
  7. Kids in beauty pageants. I'm serious. It's disgusting on so many levels.
  8. Professional athletes who rape/ sexually assault women or who abuse animals and have consequences that are either non-existent or so minimal it's like "Oh that's baaad, we'll pretend we're really upset about it and send you to prison for half a year and then you'll get re-hired and make the gazillions back you had before you were busted."
  9. The guy on TV who is the host of Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives. He's the greasy looking man who eats his way across the United States at places that can give you a heart attack just by looking at them. He seems like a nice enough guy, but all of the man jewelry, the facial hair and the oil are just too much for me--especially with constant close ups of him eating..
  10. Gummy stuff. Bears, worms, you name it. Don't you feel like you're eating a fishing lure? Hurl.

What's on your list?


nursemyra said...

Your #7 would definitely be on my list too

M L Jassy said...

This list is comprehensive: I think we actually share a number one! butt-chuckers. Ew! I'm afraid that if I congitate on my top ten irritations I will never leave the house ...

Audubon Ron said...

Yes, all 10. On my blog I would repackage the title, "10 Things That Make Me Want to Commit a Crime."

Yours is much more civil-er.

Erica@PLRH said...

I think I need to do my on post on this subject. Thank you for the inspiration!

Erica@PLRH said...

My own post

Marvin said...

I agree with you on all ten. ;-)

Bear Trap said...

I think I saw Katricia on that show "Toddlers and Tiara's", I can't wait to enter Eileen in many kiddie pageants. I am already practicing putting makeup and fake lashes on her. Although she is only a year old I think a spray tan would do her good.

Liz Mays said...

Hey now, I'm a diet soda drinker and they're way better than water!

Seriously tattle tales drive me nuts too.

I like sour patch kids, but normal gummies make me vom.

Julia, the Thanksgiving Girl said...

"Professional athletes who rape/ sexually assault women or who abuse animals and have consequences that are either non-existent or so minimal" - you know, it's kind of impossibe to argue with that! The rest is easier to tolerate, and some of these I'm totally okay with.

Mr. Charleston said...

#1 ditto. all litterbugs for that matter.
#2 ditto. but i don't give a shit
#3 ditto above besides, most mistakes aren't mistakes at all, just a different way of doing something. More than one way to skin a cat, etc.
#4 ditto, except for leather. The cow's going to be killed for food anyway, why let anything go to waste. i suppose you could say that about rabbits,etc as well. still don't like it.
#5 ditto, haven't seen the new guy, probably never will, but Larry King sucked. I once posted about him.
#6 I dunno. I like receiving hand-written cards as well but it isn't on my radar.
#7 ditto all beauty pageants for that matter. anything that requires caked-on makeup except a stripper.
#8 ditto but, the guy did go to prison. so did the other guy, mike tyson, not exactly just a "slap on the wrist", which can hurt like hell if applied by a nun, so I'm told. however, i believe half of celebrity rapes etc. are just as much the woman's fault. a lot of women rub it on an animal and are then "shocked" when treated like one.
#9 double ditto. there's nothing nice about him. he's a show-biz phony.
#10 What? who eats that stuff in the first place?
#11 Assholes. they abound.

injaynesworld said...

One thru 10 -- yep! Especially that guy on the Diners show.

Anonymous said...

What a creative person you are. You give me such great ideas!

If I chew a fishing lure it ought to last almost forever and I won't be spending so much moola on those gummi candies I love!


Thanks again!

Notary Sojac!

Smokey Stover

Uncommon Blonde said...

You had me in agreement until I got to #10. I love gummy bears. To the point that I eat them until my stomach hurts (yes, that is very childish of me but I just can't stop)

SuziCate said...

Right with you on most of those, esp. numbers one and seven.