Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Changing Face of Lemonade Stands

The kids who live across the street from us are the cutest things in a thousand mile radius. Their father has been a good friend to Husband. We fondly call him "The Biotch." (Don't ask, it's another blog post.)  Their mother, a shrewd and kind woman who loves to hold garage sales on Saturdays, has been a fabulous sentry for us with D-Man between the home-from-school and home-from-work hour. We love our neighbors.

Taking on their mother's industrious weekend spirit, I saw the two kids set up shop with a lemonade stand as she was tending to this week's sale.  It was only 9 am but I was starting to salivate over the taste of lemons on the tongue, and so I sent D-Man over with a message:

"You're making me awfully thirsty, and I'd sure love to taste what you're selling."

Not only were the sweet lemons calling to me, but I was delighting in the image of the two darlings making the lemonade with their mother.

So what did D-man return with? An ice cold cup of lemonade in a Dixie cup?

Nope. A can of Coke, a can of Sprite, two bags of chips and some DoubleBubble. What the hell?  And now I feel once again like a grandmother, "These kids. I can't believe how things have changed."


AiringMyLaundry said...


Yeah, most stands these days sell soda and chips I've found.

Leah said...

Hahaha! That is something. At least they're selling something cold. Now, on to the story about Biotch. xoxo

Maureen@IslandRoar said...

Oh my goodness. I'm not sure whether to laugh or cry...

nursemyra said...

what a let down

Anonymous said...

Now that's not the lemonadeour mothers helped us make!!!!! At least the kids are adorable, and apparently up with the times, which I guess we aren't?! So I hope their sign didn't say "lemonade"...I guess it was a snack stand!

injaynesworld said...

I'm surprised they didn't have a latte machine.