What about Hungry Hippos? Guaranteed to make more noise than you would take in at a heavy metal concert. The banging plastic parts on marbles is deadly, perfect for parents on your shiter list.
Fish are good too--just one more thing for the parents to take care of.
Let's move onto just about any musical instrument for toddlers. It's not that music isn't fabulous for youngsters, but when they don't know what they're doing and are just at the pouncing and shaking stage, a nice junior keyboard can drive the parents mad. Along the same lines--karaoke machines for kids. Pretending you're loving that singing adds a terrific dimension to the torture.
A giant soaker water gun is one gift item I'm pretty sure was given to D-Man in his younger years by people who hated me. You see, when it's you, Husband and one little guy...and you have a giant soaker water gun in the equation...there are two people in the line of fire. One of them is yours truly. So yeah, I'd add the giant soaker to the top of your resident evil list.
After experiencing a number of these gifts first hand, I'll tell you that presents for boys and girls can also be nice treats for your senses if you have parental revenge on your mind. If you do like the parents, however, remember that anything you buy for that special kid will have a direct impact on the mental well being of his mom and dad. I'd go with socks, a nice stuffed animal, legos or erasable crayons if you want to preserve the integrity of your adult relationships.
I still curse the person who bought my son Monopoly. I had to play it every week for about 6 freakin' years!
You are brilliant - not to mention a little sadistic!
Great tips... Those hippos look kind of scary and dangerous to me, btw!
Ha, those are great ones...and don't forget the drum or other lovely musical instruments!
True enough. You can't go wrong with clothes. The kids will hate you, but the 'rents will love you.
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