Saturday, November 20, 2010

Busted by Hallmark: Inappropriate Language

Wow, Hallmark. Are you serious? You rejected my personalized message on the e-card I wanted to send? Thanks for setting me straight.


M L Jassy said...

I spy a niche for the Urban Dictionary: personalised cards.

Is there a prize whoever can guess the illicit word?

Audubon Ron said...

They say life is a B***h, am I right?

Julia, the Thanksgiving Girl said...

Hahahah, so what is so inappropriate here? :)

nursemyra said...

"They say" is the culprit

Marvin said...

Ha, obviously you stepped on a copyrighted phrase. ;-) Unless Hallmark doesn't want you asking the question of who "they" are who say such things.

Erica@PLRH said...

Well, apparently Hallmark doesn't agree that life is a journey.

SuziCate said...

Hmmmm....wonder which word was supposed to be inappropriate!