Sunday, November 21, 2010

Bags to Nukes: Recent Environmental Let Downs

It's been tough to take the news that the reusable grocery bags from Winn Dixie and Publix (among others) contain amounts of lead that aren't permissible in toys or in paint. What the hell is that all about anyway? Why is it--who is it--which regulatory authority allowed this to happen? You try to quit this mess with plastic bags by purchasing reusable items and find out they're manufactured with stuff that not only isn't green but is hardly healthy.

I'm still getting over the fact that this has happened. I realize that none of us are going to die because a banana or two was transported in one of these bags, but really? Lead in grocery bags?

Remember the excitement about biofuels?  I'm not saying they're all bad, but we've seen what corn based ethanol can do to the price of food staples around the globe. It's not good. And the actual amount of energy they produce is negligible. I wish it was different.

I frankly can't believe nuclear power has come back into the picture again as a source of "clean" energy. It's so totally clean to produce (and safe, of course) but then what happens to the radioactive waste?  Oh that's right.  We'll just keep burying it in New Mexico. That's a brilliant idea. I'm sure our scientific community is 100% sure we'll never have any seismic activity in the millions of years it will take the stuff to become inactive.

Let's go back to the safety issue for just one moment. We're totally trusting the industry and regulatory authorities who tell us that many back up processes are in place to prevent a meltdown. It just couldn't happen with today's technology, right?  I remember hearing the same thing about the oil rigs in the gulf. With all of the required inspections and safety precautions, procedures, etc., there was no way we could have a disaster harming the environment. It was completely clean and safe. did that work out for us?

We're an innovative bunch here in America. The economy is trying to pick up. Many smart people are unemployed. Seems like the time is ripe for new, better ideas--the kind that actually work, the kind that are environmentally reasonable, healthy for people and the earth and that improve quality of life. I'm tired of hearing endless infomercials for half-ass solutions we're trying to bill as safe and good. Let's change that.


injaynesworld said...

Woo-hoo! You go girl! Damn right on every single point. And kudos for making your voice heard. I think you should send this to the editor of your local paper.

Happy Thanksgiving, my friend.

ballast photography said...

This is the first I've heard of this lead debacle, and as a vocal advocate for the reusable bag, I couldn't be more appalled.

And as far as all of these safeguards and precautions supposedly in place to prevent various disasters, all I can think about is how unsinkable the Titanic was...

M L Jassy said...

It's a wonder the bags are so light!

(I prefer the jute bags where they are available. Commercially grown fibre crop from South Asia and other places. Jute, jute, it's totally cute.)

Marvin said...

Yeah, those bags always have that funny sheen to them. That's the lead, I guess.

People won't change their consumption habits until suddenly their materials of choice are no longer available. That's just how humans are. But it would be nice to see more efficient solar technology.

Erica@PLRH said...

I'm still not sure what to do with my Publix bags. Do I keep using them or do I go back to plastic bags. You know, we only need so many dog poop bags.

SuziCate said...

I had been using my plastic bags sames as Erica, for dog poop! I'm trying to be all of my reusable bags ready to start using at the grocery store (no more plastic), walked out and forgot them! I think I'm going to need to keep them in the car to take care of that problem!

Liz Mays said...

Oh my gosh, the irony that those bags are supposed to help you go green is just too much!

Fragrant Liar said...

Okay, may I say, holy crap! I hadn't heard this about our reusable bags. That's just stupid. Why would they make a bag -- or anything -- with lead in it these days. We KNOW it's not good for us. Is it the height of irresponsibility or stupidity? Makes me mad.

Good rant, sister.

Fragrant Liar said...

P.S. Like the new look. It's good sometimes to change things up, eh?

KB said...

Evey time we adopt a new technology we move further out on a limb. That's fine as long as the tree is sound and the limbs are strong enough, but it only takes a large out-of-control storm to bring it all down. Remember Katrina?

I wish more people would reflect and question things the way you do.