Monday, November 1, 2010

The Chalk on Burns Square

Sunday we ventured down to the Chalk Festival in Sarasota.

The streets in Burns Square were blocked off and plots were mapped in duct tape for artists from all over the country to pour their creative sweat into temporary images that will wash away on tires and wind in a short time.

At most of the outdoor art events, I wander about thinking how some pieces are better than others and how it's a nice kind of thing to do, but there's nothing about it that really blows me out of the water.

Not so with the Chalk Festival. I was amazed at the artists' ability to transfer a small piece of art (usually a 8 1/2 X 11" piece of their own, tucked safely in a plastic sleeve) to a huge chalk masterpiece. So impressive. They were all so different--the art and the artists--yet none were inferior.

It was Halloween after all, so some pieces were "friendly" holiday themed:

Others were more classic:

Others were a little creepy, but beautiful still:

Every creator was an artist in every sense of the word--truly masterful in his own right.

It was hardly an easy task, working in the sun on hot asphalt with their pastels spread about the pavement.  Some wore naked hands and knees--decorated with multi-colored bruises from the chalk. Others wore knee pads and gloves as part of their craft and comfort. The mess was a testament to the concentration and hours of plotting and shading.

Seeing so many different kinds of people walking on the sidewalks, looking down at these bold images and their creators in awe, I am reminded of what art does best--it brings people together for a common experience, even if it washes away by tomorrow.


Marvin said...

Very cool!

Jason said...

I was lucky enough to attend this and it was truly amazing. I can't wait to see what talent shows next year.

M L Jassy said...

Tres cool, absolutement! This reminds me of a Non-Unique Great Thought I had the other day - all art takes ages to make, but seconds to enjoy. That doesn't change the reason why it has to be made in the first place ...

nursemyra said...


Mr. Charleston said...

This looks like something to put on my calendar for next year. Cool.

Audubon Ron said...

Some of these artists can do really amazing 3D stuff.

KB said...

Nice piece of photojournalism. Next best thing to being there. (Wish I had been.)

Maybe the grandkids are developing genuine talent when they come over and spend the afternoon covering our driveway with chalk drawings.

Erica@PLRH said...

Amazing! I love sidewalk art. I'm sad I missed it this year.

SuziCate said...

What awesome talent!!!!! thanks for sharing!

Liz Mays said...

People are so amazing! It kills me that they're not permanent. I love the eyeball spaghetti one most of all!